Day 7(Part 2)

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This was the first time Kathie saw a new face on Zekie, the most precious person in her entire life.

When they first met, he talked to her while showing a kind smile while trying to be friendly with her.

'What's with this guy?!' she scowled as she didn't want to get near with this goody-two shoes.

She already have a bad time having her parents left her for herself and she was always lonely enough to basically sulk around to find something interesting. Yet she encountered this weirdo whose talking to her out of nowhere.

"Leave me alone weirdo. I don't want to deal with you."

She just wanted to wander around and end it all. No one would even bother with her disappearing(Except Trish). So she wanted to just disappear from earth altogether as if she didn't exist anymore.

Yet, while strolling around, she met this weird guy who suddenly talked to her from out of nowhere.

"Is this seat available?"

"Didn't you hear what I said? Just go!"

".... I feel like I don't want to."

She tried to threaten him but he just smiled idiotically before saying something that shocks her.

"I feel like this has something to do with your family am I right?"

While touching the sore spot, he continues his idiotic self as I began lashing at him to leave yet he didn't bother and even wanted to listen to my story since it intrigues him.

His idiotic smile had bothered me too much that She basically exploded on him, wailing all her hatred on this random stranger she didn't know. To which she later found out that he was actually letting her do this so that she release her anger on him to rid of her negative feelings.

"Life doesn't work out so you only need to release your anger on the world to someone or something to free all the burdens inside you. But it might never be the same if you keep bottled it up so someone had to burst that emotion outta you."

He continue to bother her through and through like he was doing his thing but she slowly broke down in tears as he never grew mad at her for laying her feeling of pain and suffering unto him. She feel like she's turning weird because of him due to expressing her feelings of abandonment and hatred for her family out of him yet he never complained any of that.

Her anger turned to grief and finally ending it with tears as he comforted her through and through her struggles of being alone as he was always by her side whenever she feel depressed and laid out her feelings.

"I think you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. When looking through life, you would always face struggles which people tend to side with suicide due to how unforgiving the world is. However, we don't see the things in the world around us that helps our journey in different ways. Maybe you got someone whose been by your side or maybe it would be someone by chance or even fate to decide that. Everyone has someone close to them, helping you get through life and make it happy."

While she couldn't understand this weirdo saying to her, she was slowly warming up to his company and his idiotic self had actually began to treat the pain of losing her parents and even growing attached to this person.

It was later found out that Zekie saw her having trouble and looking like someone whose considering suicide that he wanted to help her. This cause her to love this guy even more.

His idiotic self when he helped her, how he's considerate and even trying his best not to disappoint her unlike her family did and even when she was desperate for his attention, he would put aside important side just for her sake.

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