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In a dark room where there's only lighting above me, tied up to a chair and having my limbs bounded up, i could only stare at the front, where a girl was currently staring at me with a smile on her face. She was simply smiling at my direction, her gaze continously locked on me with no dilation nor shutter, any lack of emotion other than simply just smiling at me and me alone.

While i was confused for a bit, i suddenly remember her look as it gave me a nostalgia and an idea as to why am i in this situation....

Going back in time to where we first me, it might had started to where i first met her as it was just once my usual night, where i head back after working late at night and had stumbled upon her just sitting alone in a bench late at night while holding on her drink with both of her hands and her eyes just gazing at the drink without any lack of emotion.

She was devoid of anything as if she was lost and had no purpose. I would had just ignored her but i feel kinda bad about not doing anything so i basically just bought a drink and sat next to her while introducing myself to her.

While she didn't like my company at first, i began to warm her up by trying to talk to her before she slowly began expressing herself while i listen and gave some advice to help her out. I maybe nosing onto her buisiness but i wanted to help her out since its kinda sad that there was this lonely girl out here late at night and maybe she just needs someone to help her out or something. I'm just the type of guy who just simply like to help others.

And so, we began to talk as she slowly warms up to me, expressing her emotions time to time while i listen to her complaints and ended up giving advice before she smiled at me as she wanted to leave. I tried to escort her back to her place as she was happy and blushing for a bit before agreeing to what i said and both of us ended up returning to her place before i said goodbye to her and left, not knowing her look of longing at my figure as i returned home.

And so in school, I ended up not knowing that both of us were in the same school but in different classes as i slowly been feeling like someone was following me until i realize it too late and ended up here.

"Welcome! I'm glad that you are here!"

Her voice full of longing as her gaze became feverish and slowly developing emotions while her emotions became more clear and distinct as i could feel that she was gazing at me with passion. The once unemotional girl i met last time had disappear and turned into the girl who felt like she had met her prince and wanted to keep him by her side. She stares me, full of love and longing as she stood up from her chair and slowly walked up to me while caressing my cheeks with tenderness.

"I'm sorry i tied you up but i just wanted to make sure that you won't run away from me. I'm afraid since you might hate me for doing this to you and all."

"Oh, i'm not minding it at all."

Well, maybe i did something to her that night that i might had unintentionally done something bad so i feel like i kinda deserve this. I should try to be wary of my tone since i'm in a bad situation and try to be nice to my captor as to not unintentionally try to piss her off.

"H-huh? Aren't you supposed to be mad at me for kidnapping you or tying you up?"

"Not really. I feel like i did something bad to you last night since you tied me up and all. If you are mad at me for disturbing you last time, Sorry about that."

Intenionally helping people might seem like asking for people to like me but its basically just me wanting to help people out. I did encounter people not asking for help so i decided that she might be mad at me for doing something uncomforting to her.

"N-no....its not like that...."

She stutters for a bit before trying to explain that she didn't want to do something like this. It seems like she's nervous about this so i decided to let her wait and calm her down.

Once she calms down, she decided to talk to me.

"I wanted to talk to you more but you were kinda busy and having fun talking with others that i feel like it would be rude to disturb you and so.... I waited...... And waited...... And....."

At first, she was calm and trying to explained to me clearly but then, her expression changes from loving to slowly becoming an obsession towards me and her mind that was once trying to convey something simple, became more sinister and.... Possessive....

"You were happily talking to them and i was jealous, especially to those girls you were chatting this morning, those btches wanted your attention that i wanted to strangle them for stealing you away from me. I just wanted that smile of yours to be only mine.... Mine alone.... And.... And... "

"Woah, woah..... Just stop and calm down...."

Wow, just wow.... This is actually the first time i kinda encounter something like this and this is not a novel or anything, but in real life. I'm just speechless and my mind isn't processing fast enough but to put it into perspective....

This girl is a yandere... A girl is actually a yandere for me....

While i'm a bit confused, i decided that maybe i should clarify this just in case since i feel like i'm just dreaming right now.

"So, you like me? Is that right?"

"Ah! Y-yes! I love you so much that my heart hurts whenever you aren't around me, i feel like i just want to kill everyone for your sake and I..."

"I get it. Just please stop."

Even without clarifying this, it seems that this girl is obsessed with me. Is this right or wrong? Since while i feel kinda bad that a girl likes me, i just don't want to hurt this girl's possessive love and turn her into a psychopath..... Ah...

"Then, lets date then. I don't have any girlfriend nor someone liking me right now other than you so how about we become a couple?"

"................ Eh?"

And so, this is my story of how me and a girl i just shortly met, started dating....

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