Day 4(Part 3)

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"Oh, Ziks might had change his looks but we've known him since Highschool and he's.... Not that great as a boyfriend material." - Clara

"Eh?" - Trish

Clara begins narrating about our time in Highschool as I showed my friends Kathie's pic on my phone.

At first they saw her lewd pics and tried to inspect it closer but I knocked their brains in while glaring at them.

"Hey! I only showed you what my girlfriend looks like, not try to show her off. Jude, you told me that your currently pursuing someone right now and I won't help you if you oogle my girl like that." - Zekie

"Com'on Ziks. Let me continue to oogle at her." - Edgar

"Then, let me oogle at Clara as well too man. You think I'm not gonna go on a 'Equal Exchange' on you as well?" - Zekie

"....... Okay. You win." - Edgar

Seeing his glare and realize my looks, he understands and backs down as I nod in agreement and stuff my phone back in my pocket.

I began explaining to them what had happened as to why I am dating Kathie right now(not including the kidnapping and stuff) as I am seeking some advice on a man who is now a father.

"First of all Neil, you can't just ask advice on girls while not asking your girlfriend first-no. Actually, you shouldn't even have girl-friends at all." - Edgar

"W-wait, can't a guy at least have female friends?" - Zekie

I was confused at my friends saying that I shouldn't befriend any more girls as Edgar looked at me and sighed before begining his explaination.

"Look Ziks. I know you don't like hurting people's feelings and try to be nice to people but you shouldn't concern yourself with so many girls.

Your friendly Ziks. Me, Jude and even Mark know that and with your new looks, it might have some adverse effects on those around you. " - Edgar

"Ziks. Your girl is probably enduring your actions as of late but she might snap if you continue doing the same things with other girls.

Lately, do you ever try to speak such words such as 'Your good at this' or 'Your actually beautiful' which is an indication that your trying to flirt with her. Is that right Ziks?" - Jude

"...... Yeah. " - Zekie

To be honest.... I actually act like what they have said. Its mainly for a fact that I'm too scared to hurt other people's feelings that I tend to be friendly and nice to people around me.

While I do occasionally hurt people, it mostly either trying to defend myself or just basically to give out my honest truth of the matter. I mostly am a guy who isn't too fond of hurting people.

"Look Ziks. My relationship with Clara isn't all that good as well. Hell, I won't deny that we also argue as well. But I honestly love her that I am trying my best to love me back and I don't want our relationship to change." - Edgar

"Eds..... I'll be honest with you..... Can you help me fall in love with someone?" - Zekie

"".............??"" - Edgar and Jude

Since this topic isn't quite appropriate in this situation as I want our reunion to end on a happy note, I decided that we would continue our discussion later at night while drinking at a bar.

Honestly, I wasn't afraid of exposing this secret to Trish but I might ruin her friendship with Kathie as I decided to rely on these guys as they are my buds when I talk this topic with them. It might not seem much but they do hold a record in holding secrets such as in our Highschool memories and our dark histories.

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