Fox Children

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Two weeks had gone by rather fast for the Midoriya couple. Thanks to Nezu's allotment of Ochako going on a work study, she was able to learn of the field work that pros do. She was however limited due to her situation not to mention even more so with Bakugou's apparent zombification and being cured. Even after having an impromptu appendectomy, dying, coming back from the dead, and insatiable lust for human flesh, he was still a massive prick, but at least that hasn't changed. Izuku on the other hand had learned much from his work study from Gran Torino. The former pro that taught Izuku, was also an old mentor of All Might's. He was a bit strange, but seemed to know what he was talking about for the OFA user to gain some good tidbits about how to control his quirk better. Once the work studies were done though, Ochako practically held Izuku all day when they met back trying to make up for the withdrawal of her physical interaction with her husband. The day now is Sunday with Izuku and Ochako heading to a doctor to get an ultrasound of their baby.

"Alright Mrs. Midoriya, this gel should help us get a decent look at your baby. My quirk also helps turn vibrations into the actual image, so we should be able to get a decent image of what your baby looks like. I've never seen a woman with a quirk that speeds up the gestation period for developing offspring. However when I was in med school, the professor delivered a baby that was conceived 9 days prior during the couple's honeymoon so it's not unheard of."

"Thank you doctor." Izuku said this with the specialist holding the ultrasound machine on Ochako's swollen belly.

"Alright, let's begin with the vibration image first so you two know what you're seeing." The doctor pointed out a blob on the screen for them to see the head as well as where to look if it was a boy or a girl. From what he could see, the baby was undoubtedly a girl before noticing something off. "One moment. I'll be using my quirk now." The doctor used his quirk for the image of an actual baby to be on the screen with seven little fox tails sprouting out from it. "OH MY GOD! SHE ALREADY HAS HER QUIRK!"

"Yeah. Kinda figured she might." Ochako said this with a bit of pride for the doctor to look at her. "The women of our family are born with their quirks. The doctor nearly had a panic attack when I was born since I floated to my mom."

Both Izuku and the doctor were somewhat impressed and somewhat uneasy with this information. "Well, this um... Isn't the first case of a developing baby possessing a quirk inside the womb, but is the first one I have seen. I was able to take two pictures for you both. One of the ultrasound normally. The other of the one with my quirk active."

"Thank you very much sir." Izuku took the pictures and helped Ochako off after she cleaned her stomach of the gel used in the act.

"Be very careful though. From what you told me, she will be due within a month. Make sure she drinks a lot of fluids and gets enough nutrition in her diet for both of them. It would also be a good idea for you to rub her back, breasts and feet. Her feet will be the most painful out of all of them and the overproduction of milk from her breasts will make them swollen and feel painful"

"I'll make sure she does doctor, and I'll do what you said about the massage part. Thank you again for everything." The two left the office and began heading back to UA.

As they walked down the street, Ochako started clinging to Izuku with a bit of happiness. "I'm so happy Izuku. We'll be parents soon." Izuku blushed as this was said for him to try and make some sort of sound. All he could do was nod and blush happily remembering the image of his and Ochako's baby in the ultrasound.

As they passed an alley, the sound of someone running out was heard by Ochako causing her to turn to the side. When she realized how close the person was, they bumped into Izuku and fell to the ground. "Sorry. I didn't watch where I was going. Are you alright?" Izuku looked at the person to see it was a white haired young girl with red eyes. She seemed to be around 4 or 5 at the oldest with the most notable thing being fox ears and nine pure snow white fox tails.

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