Return to the Manor

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They couldn't comprehend that she wasn't in her realm, the fact that a kami no longer in her own realm meant one thing. She was in the human world. Slowly they began to believe that their crackpot theory of Eri being an incarnation of the kami is becoming true. They didn't know where to even start about dealing with this. For the meantime, they decide it would be best if they head to the manor and get settled in before trying to figure out where to go from there.

Eri remained silent for the most part, watching the multi colored foxes dance around and play in the warm grass. One particular one caught her eye, it was a silver and black fox with copper eyes that was keeping pace with them as they walked through the courtyard.. Motioning to have Ochako set her down, Eri crouches down and allows the silver fox to come up and sniff her hand. The fox licks her hand and yips in excitement before rolling over allowing the young girl to pet its belly. Being preoccupied petting this fox, she doesn't notice the other foxes and pups alike forming a semi circle and sitting down on their hind legs facing her. When she looks up she notices the foxes sitting at attention and looking at her. She gives Ochako a confused look and a slightly concerned one seeing how the foxes are acting. Ochako chuckles seeing Eri react like this before walking over to the small child and picking her up. All nine tails on the child slowly moving back and forth now that she is in the comfort of her mother's arms.

As they make their way to the manor, Eri watches from over Ochako's shoulder how the foxes bound and play with each other as if celebrating. She then turns to see Izuku slide open the rice paper door to the manor revealing Ochako's mother sitting on her knees near the kotatsu eating her lunch and Ochako's father being tended to by Recovery Girl.Upon seeing Izuku, Ochako and Eri the two adults are a loss for words, at first Tousa thought Eri was the baby Ochako was carrying but after seeing Ochako is still pregnant now she's just confused.

"Ochako dear. Why do you have a child with you?"

The fox girl looked down to Eri to silently ask her to reveal her tails. To say her mother and father who almost jumped up at the sight of all nine white tails was an understatement. "A little while ago, we saved Eri from a yakuza and adopted her. We also wanted to know if she was part of our family's lineage, so we came here with the ability to stay for about a month until our baby is born." Ochako said this while placing Eri down to hide behind Tiny's leg in fear of the two new people.

"So you had brought her here to somewhat get an answer?"

"In respect my lady, the foxes have somewhat answered that question for us outside. If she was not a member of our house, they would be very wary of her and make sure she had no ill intent." Tiny spoke up while placing his paw on the small girl's head to soothe her.

"This is quite a spectacle. I'll be sure to fill in UA that you three were able to get here safely." Recovery Girl states while allowing Ochako's father to sit up. "I'll take my leave now. Also, your spine should be fixed with one or two more sessions. Just keep with your exercises and don't overdo yourself."

"Thank you for everything mam. I cannot repay you enough."

"It's alright. All Might is handling the bill, so you can thank him in my place."

The door shut for Tousa to walk over towards Eri. "I'm sorry if we're scary for you. We are Ochako's parents and it's very nice to meet you."

Eri moves her head away from Tiny's leg to see the large fox woman smile at her. "I-it's nice t-to meet y-you." The small girl began moving her hand out slowly to touch Tousa.

As the small family had watched this, a few fox pups came in to sit in front of everyone. "Who had babies?"

"It's a common thing when the next head of the Inari family is expecting Ochako. Our lineage continues with the next generation of foxes with several pups being born to prepare for the new member. These are some of the first foxes to be born." Tosa explains as the small pups began sniffing Eri, Izuku and Ochako to take their scents in before going to play with one another.

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