2 vs 2

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Up top is a fanart done by a buddy of mine and Hollow's of Ochako as a Kitsune. Respect to him and his work. Enjoy.

Izuku and Bakugou were sent back by the shockwave from the blond pro, getting back up the notice Tiny coming forward to punch Bakugou in the gut.

"Gah! Why the fuck is this fox so strong?" He used what breath he still had left after having the wind knocked out of him to say this before going flying into a building.

"That serves you right for insulting my mistress." Tiny then looked at Izuku holding his sword in hand. "Now it is time to see what your training has done for you young master."

Both charged at each other with their blades for them to repeatedly block and strike one another. The sparks from the blades danced around them as the area started to have cuts in the pavement from the force of each strike. From the outside, it looked as if they were evenly matched, however Tiny and Izuku knew that the fox was just a bit stronger with each strike to slowly but surely make him lose ground. "How about a little...DETROIT SMASH!" All Might gave an uppercut to Izuku to send him into the air with Tiny jumping up attempting to attack him. This was thankfully blocked by Izuku allowing him to recover and land on the ground safely.

'This won't be easy. Tiny and All Might separate are one thing, but combined they're not a force to be taken lightly. Meanwhile, I've got Kaachan that refuses to work with anyone.' Izuku calmed himself while channeling OFA in his body. 'I was hoping to at least have someone like Yaoyorozu or Iida who understand teamwork better. Heck, even Todoroki would be better even if he can't comprehend teamwork as well as everyone else.'

"DIIIIEEEEE!!!!" Bakugou came charging out of the rubble to attack All Might, the pro hero easily dodges the attack and grabs Bakugou by the back of his neck. Izuku came back to knee the pro in the face to try and get him to let go with some success. "*cough* I didn't ask for your help."

"Oh shut up asshole. You think I'm happy saving your ass? I would've prefered All Might to beat the crap out of you." On cue, the pro hero reappeared, dead set on attacking Izuku. The OFA successor tried to evade and use the back end of his sword to avoid any dangerous injuries.

While this occured, Tiny was storming to Izuku to take him on before being stopped by Bakugou. "THIS IS FOR THE GUT SHOT FLEA BAG!" He let loose an explosion into Tiny's stomach only managing to get him to budge. "Too much for ya? Guess you can throw a punch but not take one."

Tiny stood back up while cracking his neck like it was nothing. "It would appear you have been misinformed about my capabilities yet again jester. Remember when I said I wasn't crazy enough to fight All Might? I lied. He isn't crazy enough to fight me." Both of them swallowed a lump in their throats hearing this. "Also, I had a flea bath yesterday."

"Oh you've got to be shitting me." Katsuki says as Tiny turns and grabs the front bumper of a truck before lifting it over his head with a single hand and throwing it at the two of them. In a movement faster than Katsuki's eyes can see, Izuku touches the handle of the sword before the truck is bisected cleanly falling away leaving them unscathed.

"Get your head in this damnit!" Izuku shouts smacking Katsuki with the pommel of his sword trying to get him to snap out of it. "Think of how badass it would be to take down someone stronger than All Might." Izuku says trying to entice Bakugou to get into the fight.

"I know you're playing me, but you're right. Leave him to me." Katsuki grins evilly cracking his knuckles and setting off explosions in his hands.

'Sometimes I wonder if he's just born stupid or him having such an inflated ego had something to do with this. Maybe he was also dropped on his head as a baby? Or I might have missed the part where someone shoved his own head up his ass.' Izuku came at Tiny once again while Bakugou tried to gang up on the fox. For the most part, the two were able to push the giant fox back, but All Might stepped in to nearly take them all down with a Texas Smash. In the heat of the confusion, the two retreated to try and gain some distance for now and come up with a plan to take both down or at least one to avoid having their attentions continually divided.

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