Fox Torrent

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So up above is the image of the god of death. Things will get pretty interesting in this chapter. Enjoy.

A few days have gone by since the incident at the training camp. Due to most of the dager being stopped by Kurama and Ochako, most of the damage has been to the minimum. Unfortunately, a large amount of discrepancy has been placed on UA due to the fact they were attacked now on another occasion with significantly less confidence in the safety of children anymore. This however was looked at with a grain of salt due to multiple villains responsible being arrested as well as obtaining a major ally of the League's for interrogation. Since Ochako was the one to capture him, she was allowed the chance to interrogate the villain known as Kurogiri. The fox mother sat in an interrogation room with the villain having specialized quirk handcuffs on with Izuku remaining in the room for safety measures.

"Alright Kurogiri. Where's Shigaraki and the League? If you cooperate, maybe we can make it so you don't have the death sentence as a possibility for you." The villain remained silent for Ochako to feel a little annoyed. "You are aware that if you are tried now, you'd be facing the possibility of life in Tartarus right?"

"I do."

"Ok. So why not help us help you by saying where the League is?"

"I cannot." The one statement answers were starting to annoy Ochako with Izuku tagging in.

"Kurogiri. I'm certain that someone as calm and level headed as you can understand that this interrogation is more to help you. If you refuse to cooperate, we can't do anything to help you. Please tell us where the League is and we'll put in a good word for the pros and police that you helped to possibly have you see the light of day before you die of natural causes."

"You can ask me all you'd like, my sworn duty is to protect Shigaraki. That has been my purpose since I was created. I have already told you enough back there in the woods, if I am to say anything else I'll be killed by my master."

'Created?' Both thought this with Ochako continuing this.

"What do you mean by 'created'? Are you saying you're not human?" Kurogiri remained silent for Ochako to stand up. "That's it, I'm getting my katana."

"You're a Nomu? Aren't you?" Izuku looked over to see Ochako stand up and go for a katana by the door. "Wait, we can't harm him in custody!" He tried to hold Ochako back by lifting her up and holding her in the air. This ended badly on him as he ended up falling backwards due to the size difference.

"That I am, and I am also aware of what you are to All Might. Midoriya Izuku and to think that she is that woman's daughter. You do hold her sharp temper though."

"You're meaning Mrs. Uraraka, aren't you?" Izuku asked, hearing Tousa being talked about.

"Yes. My master had faced near death twice in his life. One was at the hands of All Might five years ago, the other was at the hands of that woman's mother eight years ago. Due to this, your master had already faced mine in a weaker state. But I have no worry, for he will soon have the ability to heal himself. After taking a powerful quirk from your family."

This comment angered Ochako to grab the mist man by the metal plate on his neck. "What are you talking about? I swear, if you're going after my children that I'm going to-"

"I am not the one you should be concerned with. You should be more fearful of my master who has been able to alter and create a quirk to allow him access to your family."

"What are you talking about? What do you know that we don't?" Kurogiri remained silent after saying this for it to unnerve both Izuku and Ochako. "We gotta head back to UA. I'm worried after hearing that."

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