Kami no Inari

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Little does she know that the green haired man was away that day, he fully intended to tend to the shrine but would need supplies to do so. While both were away from the shrine, he gathered tools and materials he thought he would need to fix the broken shrine. Paint scrapers to remove the moss, a new stone to carve the fox from, wood to replace the broken wood frame of the torii gate. The next morning he planned on spending the day restoring the broken shrine. He had told his master that there was one last thing he needed to do, he left out the information of the shrine deciding to tell him that it still was a part of the beach that needed to be cleaned. That evening, not knowing she was thinking of him, he took the tools home with him, planning on restoring it the next morning.

Waking long before dawn, he fixes himself something to eat as well as bringing the porcelain kitsune with him. The gift from the white fox was a curiosity, surely something he would tell his friends about if he got into UA. Attaching it to his belt loop he makes his way from his and his mother's apartment and heads back to Dagobah beach. The cool sea air and chill of winter causes him to shiver as he walks from the city all the way to the beach. It's quiet, granted not many people were awake at 4 in the morning, even with the workaholic lifestyle of Japan. Nevertheless, despite the cold he continued walking through the quiet streets of Mustafu. As he approaches the shore, he looks out at all the work he had completed. The pristine white sand was restored to its former beauty, the trash had been entirely disposed of and for all he knew, his master, All Might, is persecuting the ones who littered and transformed this beach into a landfill.

As he makes his way to the sand, he makes sure to walk the beach. Methodically scanning the sand making sure that all thrash and waste was gone from the beautiful shore. Something that brought a smile to his face was seeing a large leatherback sea turtle laying its eggs in the sand. Crabs making burrows in the tide pools and the birds nipping at the sand trying to eat the seaweed and any unlucky fish that had washed ashore. Life was returning to this once revolting landfill now it was time for spirit to return to it as well. Towards the opposite side of the beach stands a damaged torii gate, its red paint bleached by the sun and wood damaged by the constant dumping that had taken place. Near it an inari statue at the base of the right side, surrounded in discarded cups, plastic and metal cans as well as other filth. The statue itself was covered in moss that hid the chipped and damaged statue.

Taking the red paint he had purchased, he begins to repaint the red columns of the torii gate. Using rocks and a nearby ladder, he hadn't disposed of yet, to restore the paint. Once finished, he took some black paint and redrew the kanjis that spanned the top portion of the columns in a vertical fashion. Once done, he sets aside the ladder and empty paint can in the dumpster on the raised parking lot above the beach. Once disposed of, he walks back to the inari shrine with a garbage bag and collects all the trash that had been thrown all over the place. Lifting the stone statue to get the discarded plastic and metal cans that had been shoved underneath it. Not paying attention to the rising sun behind him, he continued his work cleaning the garbage and taking it away. Bag after bag, he took back up the beach finally getting the last piece of plastic away from the shrine, ironically it had a cartoon fox on the sunbleached logo.

Once all the trash had been taken away, he sought to cleaning the shrine, first taking the decaying wooden pedestal away from it and replacing it with a piece of cherry wood he had purchased from a local store near his home. He stained it the night prior to match the color of dark wood that had been there in its prime and replaced it under the shrine. Taking a plastic paint scraper, he carefully starts scraping the algae and moss from the statue, noticing the cracks and chips in the stone. After getting the moss, and algae off the statue he starts to look over it. It's far too damaged to remain at the shrine so he sets it down and grabs a block of stone that had come loose from the edge of the rock face above the beach. He takes a metal file and a pick and starts to carve a new statue. Holding up the old one and studying it's curves and rounded faces, he slowly chips away at the piece of stone trying to match the old fox statue. Once the rough shape is chipped out of the stone, he starts filing it down to the shape of a fox. Though without much experience in carving it is a tedious process taking much time to do so.

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