Follow the Leader

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The first official day of training began for everyone in the training camp. As such, everyone was working their hardest to become better. For this, the teachers and pros had made it an effort to make exercises that would push them to their limits. Well, most of them. Since Ochako was still somewhat recovering from childbirth, she had to sit this out. This was somewhat a good thing since from what Aizawa mentioned, she had no real dangers and could be able to take a pro hero license if she wanted to. As such, she decided to sit on the sidelines and cheer Izuku on while caring for Saeko.

"Look, Saeko. Daddy's fighting with Tiny." Ochako gave the small green haired infant a motion to her father who was training with Tiny in swordsmanship. To avoid dangers, the two used practice swords weighed down by several barbells to emulate the feel of fighting with a sword.

"Your form is slightly sloppy young master. Correct it. Tiredness should not be an excuse for your technique."

"Yes sir." The two continued to train with Izuku making alterations needed for him to eventually doze off.

"STAY AWAKE!" Tiny went to strike, but was blocked by Izuku who remained in his form. "Hmm. Perhaps you can make a sleeping style. Let us see how far you can go, young master." The two continued with the pros to be rather surprised.

"So the kid can...sleep fight?"

"Apparently Mandalay." Aizawa walked over to the table where Yaoyorozu was for him to speak to her. After, she made a cannon and a few cannonballs to load up. "Midoriya! Think fast!" The cannon fired for a cannonball to go right towards Izuku's head. Right when it was about to impact, Izuku caught it to crush the cannonball with his bare hands not even using OFA.

"Woah." Everyone stopped to see the act and have at least some form of interest with this.

"Big deal! I can do that too-*BOOM*!" Bakugou was cut off by a cannonball hitting him directly in the stomach and sending him into a wall near Jirou and Ashido. "L-lucky shot." He passed out with everyone beginning to go back to training.

"So Midoriya, where's that other daughter of yours?" Pixiebob asked.

"Following around that nephew of Mandalay's. She said something like 'as mommy's and daddy's daughter, I need to help where I can', or something like that. I just looked at it as she's going to play with him."

"Uhh..isn't it a little dangerous to let a child unaware of her surroundings travel the forest alone?"

"She's not alone. I had Kitsu and Ichi follow her just in case something bad happened. If they get into trouble, some of the elite members of the Inari house foxes will help her. Eri's not an average little girl either, the number of tails we have is an indicator of our power. She is a full 9 tails so I'll leave that amount to your imagination." This didn't exactly help the situation in the pros eyes, but thought Kota having a friend could work well.

With Kota and Eri

As the class trained, Kota decided to do a little forest strolling of his own. A few minutes into this, he noticed someone was following him by what it sounded like. About 10 feet away, Eri followed while hiding behind trees and bushes to try and figure out the young boy. All this did was irritate Kota as he began to walk faster. Turning back, he noticed Eri run from hiding spot to hiding spot with either her tails or her ears springing out.

'Why is she following me?' Kota began to run as fast as he could to think he can outrun the small girl. When he looked back, he saw Eri on all fours keeping up with him. 'WHY IS SHE RUNNING ON HER HANDS AND FEET!?' Having had enough of this game, Kota stopped for Eri to hop on a log and jump. This ended with her colliding with Kota and sending them both to the ground. "OW!" Kota held his head as the two collided head first and began shouting. "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?"

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