Chapter 2 Lincoln's trip home/Lincoln's wish Part 1

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*We cut to the Pets and Lincoln moving out of the forest and into the abandoned town of royal woods Michigan wild animals see the oncoming human and flee the pets and Lincoln pass by a billboard saying*


Lincoln: ugh! Ow *notices the holes in his shoes* dang it these already are worn down *sees the mall* welp time to get new sneakers 

*Lincoln and the pets stop at a shopping mall as Lincoln needs a new pair of shoes then we cut back to Lincoln and his pets with Lincoln in his new shoes they pass a abandoned futuristic bill board* 

???: too much virus in your face...there's plenty of space out in space...UN star liners leaving each day...we'll make a cure while your away 

*Lincoln heads into his neighborhood as we cut to another sign* 

???: the jewel of the United Nation ships the Ark...spend your 7 year cruise in to relax or do missions to earth in search of human life...while your captain and autopilot steer a course for non-stop entertainment 

Fine dining and with all access floating chairs even your grandparents can join the fun there's no need to walk...the ark putting the star in executive star liner 

*Then a CEO is in a normal looking royal woods* 

Man: because space is the final fun-tier! *waves the Ark goodbye as the hologram shuts off as we cut forward to an abandoned vine covered loud house*

Lincoln: Ah home sweet home 

*opens the door as he and his pets go in Lincoln goes to the kitchen and washes all the strawberries mashes some into jelly others into the fridge and some milk then is in a blender making him a strawberry smoothie*

Lincoln: ah a nice strawberry smoothie welp time to relax *goes into the living room*

Lincoln: *takes off his clothes until he's in nothing but his underwear* now *flops onto the couch* 

*Lincoln turns on the TV and to the blue ray as he picks out the movie*

Lincoln: Ah! Ice age a movie from four years ago before this world came to an end 

*a few hours pass as we see the baby walking to his father on the Tv Lincoln pauses the scene and puts his hand on it*

Lincoln: *sadly sighs* I wish I had a family that could love me...look at me I'm pretty much the only one of my kind left in the world...heck I'm pretty sure that mankind is as good as extinct at this point! 

*Lincoln then walks out side to dust the dirt off of his shirt and pants As he looks up to the sky Lincoln then presses his walkie talkie that basically recorded it only takes a Moment by Hello dolly*

Man: *sings* and that is all,that loves about 

Woman: *sings* and we'll recall,when time runs out...

Man and woman: *in unison singing* that it only...took a be loved...a 

Lincoln: *tearing up* the song makes me want to have a family even more 

*Lincoln then goes inside his house and heads upstairs into what was formerly his unknown sisters Lori and Leni's Room and sleeps in loris bed he ends up softly crying himself to sleep* 

To be continued 

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