Chapter 7 Luna and Lynn retrieve/ the Ark

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*the next day arrived as Lincoln woke up he sadly sighed as he went out to forage but before he did he sees a family sleeping next to Luna and Lynn* 

Lincoln: they must be there family unfortunately for them their two daughters my new sisters are gone 

*Lincoln sadly wanders to an apple orchard as he's starts to harvest apples he only Harvests on Granny Smith apple and stops looking at the picture of himself a young Luna and Lynn* 

Charles: *sadly whimpers* 

Lincoln: Not now Charles I'm not in the mood *to Walt Geo Cliff* not you three ether...I just had a family and now I lost them and it's all my fault *cries onto the picture*

*as Lincoln cries he feels rumbling coming from the ground* 

Lincoln: huh? 

*more apples fall from the trees and animals like cattle and chickens flee from the rumbling* 

Lincoln: what the heck?! *notices a light coming down and he realizes as his expression goes from guilt and sadness to absolute horror* *horrified*!....

*we cut back to the loud family who are already boarding the ship and Luna and Lynn are fully conscious* 

Luna: mom pops we got something to tell you 

Rita: not now Luna Lynn we gotta head back to A.R.K. Then we'll talk about it later 

Lisa: mother is right siblings you just woke from need rest when we get back home to A.R.K. 

Luna: but it's really important it's our brother Lincoln he's Ali-

Lynn: Luna! *whispers sadly* maybe it's for the best that Lincoln stays here 

Luna: Lynn he'll be alone for the rest of his life if he does 

Lynn: he's clearly been thriving on earth for the last 11 years without his family 

Luna: yeah but barely...I mean he's been so desperate to find other people like him

Man: alright we'll be taking off in 2 minutes

Lynn: come on Luna...let's go

Luna: *sad* I'm sorry baby bro 

*goes into the rocket as we cut back to Lincoln in a rush with his pets running behind him he runs so fast he startles a lion pride from a white tailed deer* 

Charles: *barks in worry* 

Lincoln: *determined* I've got to beat that rocket to Luna and Lynn! 

*he arrives to his house and sees the rocket has landed on the street as he sees the ramp extend back into the rocket*

LUNA!!!! LYNN!!!! 

Computer: commencing launch sequence in T minus 1 minute

Lincoln: NO!!! *Runs to the rocket* I got to get to them! 

*the pets try to join but Lincoln stops them* 

Lincoln: oh no you don't! Back back! *sets them on the porch* you four stay put right here! 

*all four pets sit as Lincoln frightfully heads toward the rocket* 


*we cut to the Loud's Casagrande's Chang's McBride's and Santiago's in their seats as the rockets pilot began to start the countdown* 

Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E crossover Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now