Chapter 10 The real Thief/Define family

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*we cut down to the escape pod deck as Lisa begins to set up an escape pod with the other sisters still glaring at Lincoln except Luna*

Luna: guys don't do this Lincoln's a loud and you're kicking him off the A.R.K. All because he did some accidents 

Lori: exactly he'll ruin the order that the A.R.K. Gave us! Back in 2005 we wouldn't have allowed it but Lincoln's too human

Luna: that's the point all of us on this blasted ship have lost most of our humanity! awe only care about logic and our needs not our lives besides it was an accident Lincoln thought we were going to harm him

Luan: I'm starting to agree with Luna like he's been on earth alone for 11 years and watched a lot of movies like Lynn said so he could've mistaken Lynn's *glares at Lynn* combat knife! Which we are going to tell dad about he thought we were going to kill him 

*as the girls argued Lincoln watched with him holding both his hands* 


*the escape pod was ready to go with the coordinates to royal woods locked*

Lisa: alright Lincoln this escape pod will take you back to earth 


Lisa: earth *points to the screen showing the earth* 

Lincoln: oh! *goes in and sits on one of the chairs* oh you guys coming *taps the sit* 

Lisa: *nods no* no you're going back're a danger not only to yourself but to everyone on this ship so you're going back whatever you like it or not 

Lincoln: no! I am not going back not without you! *Lincoln leaves the pod and sits his hind down* hmph! 

Lori: Lincoln get on the pod now! *Lori forces Lincoln in but Lincoln leaves* hey!! 

*the loud's and Lincoln notice the door opening*

Lori: Lisa! Turn it off 

Lisa: right! *quickly shuts it off* 

*the family goes and hides as the see GO4 coming in and activates the pod* 

Lori: *confused/whispering* why is GO4 doing down here? 

Luna: *confused* I don't know dude 

*Once the pod is activated GO4 opens his containment and removes Lincoln's blood sample* 

Lynn: *shocked* that bucket of bolts stole our sample?! 

Luna: *glares* looks like you owe someone a big apology once we get it 

Leni: yeah! 

Lola: speaking of which where is Lincoln? 

Lana: yeah where did he go? 

Lucy: uh girls he's-

Lily: Gah! *points to Lincoln* 

*all 10 girls see Lincoln grabbing his sample to give it to the girls*

Lincoln: here you go guys

Loud sisters: Lincoln!/Incoln! 

*GO4 presses a button which launches the escape pod* 

Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E crossover Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now