Chapter 9 Lincoln's Home/Rouge Passengers

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*Lincoln was still questions why Luna and Lynn were calling him bro* 

Steven: okay let's get that sample...

Lynn: Luna do you have the sample? 

Luna: yes I d- *shocked* oh no! a where did it go?! Who took it! 

Lynn: *angry* Lincoln! 

*Lynn quietly drags him to a corner of the room* 

Lincoln: *nervous* Lynn what are you doing? 

Lynn: *angry* don't play innocent you little thief! were is the blood sample I took from you!! 

Lincoln: what are you talking about I didn't take it 

Lynn: *angry* yes you did you little thief!! Because of you humanity's chances of going home are zero!! 

Lincoln: Lynn for the second and last time I didn't take the sample of my blood I'd never do that 

Lynn: *enraged* YOU LITTLE LIAR!!! *Begins to strangle him* 

*Luna notices Lynn and Lincoln are gone* 

Lori: Luna were are you going? 

Luna: just a sec dudes *rushes to the corner*  Lynn! What are you doing to Lincoln?! 


Luna: what? What are you talking about?


Luna: what?! 

Lincoln: Luna I didn't steal your blood sample honest I'm innocent I want to have a family not commit something bad! 

Luna: *firm* Lynn get off him! If he's telling the truth then he's telling the truth! 

Lynn: *growls* Fine! *glares at him* Traitor!! 

Luna: *comforting* Lincoln don't listen to Lynn if you're innocent then your innocent 

Lincoln: *sad* look even if I did steal the sample of my blood it would be for a good reason 

Luna: look Lincoln stay here once this is over I'll take you back to our house *smiles* so we can be a family again 

Lincoln: what do you mean by again 

Luna: you're our long lost baby brother your full name is Lincoln Marie Loud 

*As Luna heads back to the loud's Lincoln is shocked at this revelation*

Steven: okay voice command confirm acquisition 

Computer: confirm acquisition

*suddenly a green scanner comes out and it scans Luna and Lynn and holds their scanners in place* 

Computer: Voice authorization required

Steven: uh 

Computer: *Steven recording* uh *normal voice* accepted

*the computer uses its arm to open Lynn's scanner to reveal noting*

Loud's: *shocked* What?! 

Steven: uh where's the thingy? 

Auto: Blood Sample 

Steven: Blood Sample Right right maybe we missed a step 

Rita: you had a blood sample?! Where did it go

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