Chapter 15 desperate Luna/Lincoln's alive!/ Is Lincoln gone?/a moment

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Lynn: well what are we waiting for let's save his life!!

*the sisters rush back to their house as Stella Zach Rusty Liam and the robots follow*

*Steven takes off his captains hat in worry as Connie holds onto his arm in worry*

Sentinel: Lincoln!!

Stella: come on! *they follow their dust trail*

*the sisters rush back to the house as Lisa grabs her healing pathogens from her bag*

Lisa: okay lay him on the table!

*lynn rushes all the table decorations off as they place Lincoln on the table*

Lori: *puts gloves on as she pushes Lincoln's Brain back into his skull*

Lisa: *injects a healing pathogen into his brain which realigns his brain and skull back into place* okay brain skull check!

*Lana and Lucy snap his arm and leg bones back together and Lisa injects another healing pathogen*

Lisa: good! arms legs check! 

*Lisa injects another healing pathogen into his rib cage which restarts his heart and lungs and fixes his rib cage* 

Lisa: no for this to fully take effect we need sunlig- 

*Luna grabs her laser and shoots a hole into the roof* 

Stella: what was that?

Rusty: I don't know but at least we found Lincoln's house 

*the sisters stare in worry to see if the healing pathogens worked* 

*soon Lisa puts a stethoscope onto Lincoln's chest as she hears a heart beat and touches his arm and gets a pulse*  

Lisa: he's breathing and I got a pulse 

*Soon Lincoln gets up as the pets cheer happily to his revival* 

Luna: *relived* Lincoln... *smiles* hey bro we're back home on earth 

Lori: *smiles* were home Lincoln

*Lincoln just stares at them in confusion looking at his house and pets not as friends but as an unfamiliar environment*

Luan: Lincoln? are you okay? 

Lincoln: *sniffs Luan and cowers in fear* don't shoot me! 

Luan: shoot you? a Lincoln were family not enemies 

Lucy: Lincoln 

Lincoln: Aah! Creepy vampire girl get away! *shudders in fear* 

Lucy: *heartbroken* Lincoln? Don't you remember all 

Lisa: *realizes* oh no...I fear this would happen 

Luna: *gives him his ace savvy comics* these are your comics you showed us 

Lynn: ooh! Let's watch Ice age *starts the paused movie from the beginning* 

*As the  sisters stare at the tv Lincoln just bypasses it and goes into the kitchen and eats a powdered doughnut and drinks some apple juice before going outside to forage* 

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