Chapter 11 Stevens decision/Directive A113

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*as we see Connie walking away from Clyde and he and his dads heading home we cut to the loud sisters still in there spacesuits without their helmets viewing the steward bots*

Lori: how are we going to get the sample to the captain without being caught?

Lola: I don't know Lori 

(Man: thing love repeats a love) 

Lori: what's that sound? 

*all 10 girls turn to see Lincoln playing a song from hello dolly on his recorder* 

Lincoln: I'm excited that I'm a when will we be a family again? 

Lori: no! *turns it off* 

Luna: Lincoln first we gotta do our directive then once we're back in Royal woods we'll be a family again...just stay here dude and we'll be right back okay 

Lincoln: okay Luna 

*The Loud's quickly rush to the ventilation system leaving Lincoln behind a garbage can*

Steven: *playing* prepare for landing! *lands on a fake earth* were here everybody yay captain captain we're home it's so beautiful *normal voice* now it was a pleasure to help you people it's about you it's not about me it- 

*the loud girls come out of a vent holding the sample* 

Steven: *drops the globe* how? *rushes over to them* how did you find it? *holds the sample* we can go back home!! For the first time in 11 years oh what's it like now! 

Luna: we don't know sir 

Steven: I wanna see for myself *puts a device on Luna and Lynn's space suits which communicates to their mission space suits showing their camera recordings of earth*

This place is beautiful...still abandoned yet beautiful *sees the elephants* wow elephants 

*then the hello dolly song plays* 

People: if you're down and all 

Steven: hey I know that song...there dancing yeah dancing! *notices his feet taping to the song* man I got a lot more to learn about earth than I thought *walks to get a drink* 

*at this point Lori Leni Luna Luan Lynn Lucy Lana Lola Lisa and lily see the recordings of Lincoln and lily* 

Lincoln recording:  Ah! *blast* crap! *blast* whoa! 

Lori: *guilty* I blasted him...

Lincoln recording: Ah! NO!! OPEN!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! *thud* 

Luna: *guilty* I didn't care if he got trampled by the shopping carts 

*then they see the ice age scene where the baby is reunited with his father* 

Leni: so linky wasn't stalking he just wanted a family 

Lisa: it appears so 

Lincoln: woah! 

Loud sisters: huh? 

*they see Lincoln looking at Lynn and Luna in confusion then worry 

Lincoln recording: Luna Lynn? *panics* LUNA!!!! LYNN!!!

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