Chapter 13 Race to The Holo Detector

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*we cut back to the ships deck as a steward bot searches for the broken down robots and it sees a trail* 

Steward bot: wrong! 

*it opens a door as a painter robot huddles in fear as it picks it up with its tractor beam the loud sisters Lincoln Rusty Liam Zach and Stella appear out of the vent 

The sisters glare at the robot as it records them pointing their lasers at it* 

Steward bot: please halt we are currently having a- *door shuts* 

Stella: *surprised* dang Luna! 

Luna: come on! We need to get to the holo detector 

Painting robot: hey kid! play that song 

Stella: what song? 

Liam: yeah what song are you talking about? 

Painting robot: the one that goes put on your Sunday clothes 

Lisa: put on your Sunday clothes by hello dolly! 

Painting robot: yes!

Lincoln: *weak* okay I'll try *presses his recorder* 

Man: put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there 

*soon Lincoln's robot friends he made on the ship go towards the song* 

Sentinel: oh it's that kid! *rushes to him* 

Android: is that the kid! *runs towards the song* 

*soon the robots get to Lincoln as holographic signs come on* 

Computer: caution rouge robots and passengers,caution rouge robots and passengers,caution rouge robots and passengers 

Man: huh? *sees the holographic sign* dah! 

*back in the room Auto noticed this* 

Auto: not possible *he uses a keyboard to power up more steward bots* 

Computer: caution rouge robots and passengers 

*soon more steward bots come out and head towards the rebelling kids and robots* 

Steven: auto! auto! *we go down to Stevens room* mutiny...mutiny...ugh stupid wheel 

*Steven notices the computers voice and turns to a large sign in the sky and sees Lincoln's blood sample* 

Steven: the DNA sample! *laughs* *grabs the operation manual* we'll see who's powerless now! 

*Steven connects a wire to one of the Signs* 

Steven: testing testing is thing on

Luna: captain Steven? 

Loud sisters: what is he doing?

Steven: girls this is the captain...I am locked in my room...Lincoln Loud sisters bring the sample to the lido deck...

*Auto watches it* 

That'll activate the holo detector now hurry autos's probably going to cut me of- 

*the sign shuts off as the steward bots arrive* 

Steward bot: halt! 

Lori: *angry* let's do this! *she shoots one of the bots with her laser*

*one robot is destroyed as another one appears and captures Lori's hand and laser in a tractor beam* 

Lori: hey!! 

Rusty: For Lincoln!! *karate chops a steward bot* 

Liam: eat rusted Oil! *throws an Oil can at a steward bot* 

*soon the robots join the fight*

Luna: let's help them!

*soon the loud sisters use they're lasers and destroy most of the bots* 

Sentinel: bring it on traitors to the captain! 

*an Umbrella robot blocks the lasers from hitting Luna and Lincoln* 

Lincoln: *weak* here! *frees a massaging robot* 

Massaging robot: time to become scrap!!!!!! 

*the robot pounces himself onto the stewards and starts destroying them* 

*we cut back to Stevens room as he sets up a hologram of Lincoln's living room* 

Steven: ha ha! Look what I got auto 

Auto: not possible?! 

Steven: *laughs* that's right the blood sample...oh you want it *coldly* come and get it blinky 

*the holographic message shuts off* 

Auto: No! 

*Steven disconnects the power in his bedroom as he goes to hide* 

Steven: ha! 

*Just as he hides auto comes down* 


*he scans the pictures of Stevens dad and his current captain* 

Steven: *angry* GRAH!!!!!! *holds onto auto as he heads back up to the captains office*

Auto: let go!...let go! 

Steven: what's wrong to heavy for ya! *auto uses his wheel to punch his eyes out* ow!!'re not getting away from me one eye! 

*Auto lands Steven and all the Buttons* 

Auto: get off!

*his button smashing alerts Go4* 

GO4: *sees captain Steven and auto fighting* *hisses* 

*as GO4 heads towards Steven he accidentally kicks GO4 accidentally breaking a window and he ends up smashed on concrete by the pool as we cut back to the others* 

Massaging Robot: oh man that felt good! 

Luan: wow you're powerful for a massage robot 

Massaging Robot: I know *he sees a steward* (steward: halt-) bam! a you just got smashed 

*soon the loud's Rusty Liam Zach Stella and the robots head towards the lido deck as we see Steven using auto as a way to press the holo detectors button*

Steven: *grunts*

Auto: this resistance not good! 

*Steven presses the button*

Steven: gotcha! aha ha ha! 

*To be continued*

Edeemer17:guys I'm sorry that this chapter is over 759 words and this is short But I promise that the last few chapters are going to be longer than then say seven minutes I'm gonna try and reach 15 minutes for the last chapters before ending this fanfiction

But I promise that the last few chapters are going to be longer than then say seven minutes I'm gonna try and reach 15 minutes for the last chapters before ending this fanfiction

I still want to thank you again for so much of the support on this story and I really appreciate it

This is edeemer17 signing out 

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