Chapter 14 Lincoln's Sacrifice/A.R.K. returns to earth

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*as Steven pushes the button the lights go off as everything turns white and soon protective hazmat suits suddenly pop onto every other of the A.R.K.'s inhabitants as they walk to the lido deck in confusion*

*We cut to Rita and Lynn Sr in their hazmat suits in confusion*

Lynn Sr: what the heck is going on?

Rita: I don't know... *Realizes* what if they really did find a blood sample!

Lynn Sr: Could be if that's the case... we're going home...

*soon all of the A.R.K.'s population made it to the lido deck as a screen turned on showing Steven and Auto fighting for control of the A.R.K.*

Steven: ladies and gentlemen! This is your captain speaking!! We are having a slight malfunction with the Autopilot! Please remain calm!

*soon the loud sisters Lincoln Stella Liam Rusty Zach and the robots make it to the lido deck*

Luan: *sees the holo detector coming up* there it is!

Lori: well what are we waiting for let's literally get this sample into the holo detector!!

Lincoln: *weak* L..L..L..L..Luna....

Luna: Don't Worry bro we're almost done and almost home

*Auto sees the kids race to the holo detector and snaps*

Auto: Enough! *shakes Steven off*

Steven: agh! *thud*

*then due to auto the A.R.K. Tilts and Lynn loses the sample*

Lynn: *panics* NOO!!

Lori: let's get it!!

*Just as Lori is about to grab the sample a sliding Becky slides it away*

Lori: *annoyed* Dang it... *facepalms*

*soon a lot of people end up near the ships window*

Sentinel: what's going on? *sees his friends slip* oh I see the ship is tilting...

*Rusty loses his grip from a handle*

Rusty: aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Stella: I got you! *grabs his hand*

*we cut to Carol and Connie*

Connie: *sees Steven struggling with auto* Carol I'm going to help the captain! help anyone you can!

Carol: okay! *grabs Darcy and Michelle*

*soon Luna and the sisters end up with the crowd as Lincoln hangs onto the holo detector*

Woman: *points* Look out!
Man:the monorail!!!

*soon the loud sisters bear their weight onto the fallen monorail and with the help of some people they move it aside*

*Auto sees this and take his chance to shut off the holo detector he presses the button to shut it off*

Lincoln: *weak* no! *Lincoln puts both of his arms as he's starts pushing it up trying to stop the traitorous A.I. From ruling his kind*

*Auto notices the button flashing and his pushes up a camera seeing Lincoln risking his life*

Auto:no! *pushes the button harder*

Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E crossover Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now