Chapter 8 Lincoln's ark adventure/Meeting Captain Steven Universe

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*We cut to the Tram going up in a big elevator* 

Lincoln: *whispers* Luna Lynn 

Luna: who said that? *Lincoln moves his head away just as Luna looks behind her* 

Lynn: eh probably just some loser 

Lori: besides we got a captain to visit 

*The elevator opens as it reveals a lot of people and robots walking in different directions Lincoln gets off the tram as he stares in awe at the sight of a lot of people* 

Lincoln: wow that's a lot of people...I'm not the last one anymore! 

Security guard: let's get you loud's to the captain 

Lincoln: ooh *sees the tram moving* Aah! Noooooooooooo *Lincoln moves his leg and a lot of robots trip causing an accident* Yee! 

*Lincoln runs through the crowd both in awe and fear at the sight of so many people and robots he's trying to catch up to his sisters that he doesn't realize he where's he's going and accidentally bumps into three kids* 

???: Owwwww 

???: OWWWW

???: ugh my head...hey chandler you okay 

Chandler: yes *to Lincoln* watch we're you're going jerk!! *the three walk off* 

Lincoln: sorry... *looks for the tram and he sees it going up a ramp* Luna Lynn! *runs after it*

*he runs as fast he can to the tram until he runs by four teenaged girls* 

???: and I said to Dean Fiona that I didn't want to go out with him just yet 

Fiona: I understand Carol...Mande and Jackie say that Connie wants to find a boyfriend as well

*The four girls accidentally trip and fall* 

Fiona: ugh! This stinks 

Carol: at least it can't get any worse 

Jackie: yeah...

Mande: I want to go to get ice cream but now I think I might've twisted my ankle  

Lincoln: here let me help you ladies 

Carol: who said that? 

*Lincoln helps lift them up back on their feet at a time* 

Lincoln: here you go...names Lincoln

Carol: thank you my names Carol...Carol Pingrey and these are Fiona Jackie and Mande 

Lincoln: have you seen a big metal box go by here?

Fiona: big metal box?

Carol: oh I think he means the tram it went that way *she's points to the direction to the tram* 

Lincoln: thank you *Runs into the direction* 

Carol: Bye Lincoln it was nice meeting you 

*Lincoln rushes to a massive city inside the A.R.K.* 

Lincoln: Holy crap! 

People: chattering

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