Chapter 12 Mutiny!/Lincoln gets shocked/Trash Shute

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*Auto got close to Steven before calling in GO4*

Luna: *angry* he stole our sample! 

Steven: Go4? 

*GO4 takes the sample* 

Steven: Hey! give me that- 

GO4: *hisses* 

Steven: this is mutiny! Loud Sisters Arrest him!! 

*the Loud girls point there lasers at GO4 which stops him* 

Lori: *angry* give us the blood sample or I'll turn you into a robot pretzel!! 

*GO4 goes towards them* 

Steven: Loud's you ought to put this sample straight in the holo detector 

*GO4 throws the sample down the vents* 

Steven: NOOO!!! 

???:Luna Lynn 

*soon we see a white tuft of hair with the blood sample on it* 

Leni: is that a ghost? 

Luna: huh?

*soon Lincoln pops his head out of the vent* 

Lincoln: girls? 

Loud's and Steven: Lincoln! 

Lincoln: girls *gets fully out of the vent and is confused when his blood sample falls into his hand* Huh?

Steven: Lincoln your sample here throw it! 

*The Loud girls try to get to Lincoln but GO4 uses his tractor beam to capture them* 

Lori: hey! 

Luan: GO4 let us out this is mutiny! 

Luna: let us out!! 

Lincoln: *scared* Luna!! 

*Lincoln tries to get to her but is stopped by auto* 

Lincoln: Aah! 

Auto: give me the sample! 

Lincoln: hey get out of my way! *auto keeps blocking him until Lincoln hides the sample in his pants* let me through 

*The steering wheel enraged at this gets his taser out and literally stabs Lincoln's chest with it* 

Loud sisters: *horrified* LINCOLN!!!! 

*the stab from the taser damages Lincoln's sternum causing his heart to nearly stop completely almost killing the boy once the taser is done shocking him Lincoln is nearly dead from this* 

Lincoln: *weakened/badly injured* ugh! *falls down in the vents

Luna: *scared* Lincoln!! 

*Auto then sedates Lori Leni  Luna Luan Lynn Lucy Lana Lola Lisa and Lily and GO4 throws the ten loud's down the Shute as GO4 salutes to Auto* 

Auto: all communications are terminated you are confined to quarters 

Steven: *enraged* NO!!!!!!!! MUTINY!!!!! MUTINY!!!!! 

*as Steven says this we see Luna waking up from the sedation* 

Luna: ugh! My head hurts *sees some cockroaches on her but she's more focused on Lincoln* Lincoln!! 

Computer:activating airlock disposal...activating airlock disposal 

Luna: *worried* Lincoln!! Sisters!!! 

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