Chapter 6 Sibling bonding/Lincoln gives up

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*Lincoln Stays by his unconscious friends for hours waiting for them to wake up*

Lincoln:come on wake up! I need you to live...I don't want to be the one responsible for the unnecessary deaths I accidentally caused

*Thunder rumbles* 

Lincoln: huh? *Turns to see a thunderstorm heading towards royal woods*

Lincoln: ugh! 

*We cut to Lincoln holding an umbrella under his unconscious friends* 

Lincoln: hmmmmmm *gets struck by lightning* Ahhhhh!!!!!!! *the strike destroys his umbrella* whoop I need another one *holds up another umbrella as he's struck by another bolt of lightning again* 

*the next day Lincoln checks on his sisters and goes to a hospital and gets a defibrillator* 

Lincoln: okay I've seen some Tv shows with people doing this so it has to be easy right... he em! CLEAR!!! *He uses the defibrillator on his sisters but the shock pushes him back* AHH!!!!

*Lincoln takes the unconscious girls with him to an abandoned carnival we're surprisingly he manages to power up a vine covered Ferris wheel scaring its animal inhabitants away* 

Lincoln: Ah a nice day at the carnival with my new sisters ain't that right Luna and Lynn 

*Lincoln moves Luna's mouth* 

Lincoln: *in Luna's voice* yeah bra this is so fun *normal voice* oh thank you Luna you're too kind you Lynn *in Lynn's voice* ya know Linc you're the best brother we had you are rad! *normal* nah! It's nothing 

* unbeknownst to Lincoln weeks have past as we cut to the three watching an African elephant and a Grizzly bear fighting* 

Lincoln: go elephant kick that grizzly's butt! Luna who do you vote for? *In Luna's Voice* I vote for the elephant bra *normal* I agree the elephant is bigger and plus the bear is not going to win Lynn *in Lynn's voice while moving her mouth* uh the bear bro! 

*normal voice* really?! I thought you'd pick the elephant eh buyers can't be choosers 

*Lincoln takes the two unconscious people back to his house to play some video games as the day turns into the night Lincoln and his unconscious sisters start playing the first Mario game but sadly begins to realize they maybe gone*

Lincoln: Luna Lynn! You gonna beat bowser? *sadly sighs* who am I kidding they're dead and I've been hogging their corpses around 

They're gone *tears up* Luna Lynn I'm so sorry I didn't mean to accidentally take you away from this world 

*Sadly sighs* I'll make two graves for you two so you can finally Rest In Peace *Lincoln takes them Outside into the backyard makes a tent for them and puts them in it to protect them from predators*  

*as Lincoln heads back into his house the rest of the family arrive at the house* 

Lori: so Lisa is this we're they are 

Lisa: affirmative the tracking devices in their spacesuits led us to their location 

Rita: strange...the location they're in is our old house

Lucy: you used to live here mom and dad?

Lynn Sr: yeah until the virus forced mankind to flee from earth until a cure was found but they hadn't reported a cure yet 

*the loud's head into the backyard to see the tent and see Luna Lynn's unconscious bodies*

Loud's: *shocked* Luna Lynn!! *they rush to them*

Rita: what happened to them!! 

Lisa: *checks they're pulses* 

Lori: are they literally dead?

Lisa: negative they're not dead simply unconscious they must've fainted from something ether surprising or scary 

Fortunately the Nimbus Rocket will be back to pick us up

Lynn Sr: alright Fam well sleep out here for the night and we'll send the rockets our coordinates to pick us up here 

Luan: got it dad 

*As they fall asleep we cut to Lincoln once again softly crying himself to sleep* 

Lincoln: I'm so sorry Luna and Lynn

*Lincoln falls asleep unbeknownst to him that tomorrow will begin his greatest adventure ever in his lifetime*

Edeemer17: hey guys it's me Edeemer17 and I'm sorry if this chapter is really short it could've worked better if it also included the Retrieval attempt of Luna and Lynn but itll be the next chapter 

I promise once I'm done with this Fanfiction I'll finish lori and Lincoln (an ace savvy Fanfiction) 

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