Chapter 3 Lincoln's wish part 2/and a new day of foraging

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*The  next morning Lincoln wakes up in bed as his hunger kicks in* 

Lincoln: *stomach grumbles* man I'm starving welp time to go out to forage for food again! 

*Lincoln dressed as he heads for the door* 

Lincoln: ah another exciting day! *Sigh* 

*Lincoln accidentally steps on geo* 

Lincoln: *Scared* Ah!! GEO!!!! *crouches down to his level* *worried* no! Awwwww 

*Fortunately Geo gets back up like nothing happened* 

Lincoln: *Relieved* Whew! Geo you might want to go into your hamster bowl wheel I don't know what it's called 

*Geo does so and We cut to Lincoln in an abandoned Walmart Getting food comics movies  and old toys into his shopping cart*

Lincoln: okay got some supplies from Walmart 

*crosses off Walmart from a list* to forage for any crops on that farm 

*Lincoln And the pets go to the farm which belonged to Liam's family before mankind left earth*

Lincoln: alright chickens time to give me some of your eggs 

*goes into the coop and harvests the eggs except the ones with chicks in them* 

Lincoln: okay Farm *crosses it off the list* check! 

*we cut to a montage of Lincoln and his pets dodging predators and finding food and supplies for survival*

*three hours later Lincoln and the pets got enough food to last another week as they head back Lincoln discovers something of interest* 

Lincoln: wow....a cute bunny plush toy...I think I'm gonna call you...Bun Bun... *grabs it* well Charles Walt Geo cliff let's head home *the walk offscreen* 

*Just as he says this in Outer space a spaceship gets closer to Earths orbit it releases a probe down onto the planets surface while it scans for anything they're are several families on it dressed in spacesuits*

???: Alright remember this is our annual mission to earth to find any human life left for operation recolonize 

???: Yes Dad we get it bra 

???: We literally know dad...I just want to just literally get this over with 

???: well don't be a complaining child Lori besides this is me Lisa and Lolas first time on this annual mission 

???:Kids stop complaining! 

???: your mother's right complaining won't solve anything especially on an annual earth mission 

???: Well I totes hope that Linky could still be alive 

???: elder sibling he's probably been dead since mother and father accidentally left him behind due to the virus 

Man: alright rolecall before landing...McBrides 

McBride's: here 


Loud's: here 


Santiago's: here 



And last but not least Chang's 


Man: alright let's land this bird 

*The guy presses buttons as a computer says this* 

Computer: Preparing for landing on planets surface 

Location: Royal Woods Michigan 

Flora: Apple Tree,Orange Tree,Pine Tree, Oak Tree, Maple Tree,Tomato,Corn,Potato,Pumpkin,Squash,Rose,Dandelion 

Fauna: African Elephant,Asian Elephant,Passenger Pigeon,Peacock,Bengal Tiger,African Lion,Red Panda,Messiah Giraffe, Reticulated Giraffe, Okapi, Wild Horses, Grizzly Bear, Bald Eagle, Cattle,Chicken, Turkey,Grey Wolf, Red Kangaroo, Chimpanzee,Bonobo, Orangutan,Thylacine,

*the ship descends into the earths atmosphere*

Edeemer17: yep that's the third chapter of this Fanfiction I promise that the next chapter will come out soon and be a lot longer than the previous two

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