Chapter 4 a SpaceShip!/Lincoln's first encounter

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*Lincoln arrives back at his house until he spots a red light by the sidewalk Lincoln just stares at it in plan confusion*

Lincoln: *confused* what the heck is that?

*Lincoln puts his stuff on the couch and goes out of the house to grab the light* 

Lincoln: alright little light time to be a part of my collection 

*Lincoln tries to grab it but it moves* 

 Lincoln: What?! 

*Lincoln goes to the light again and tries to grab it* 

Lincoln: Whoa! 

*the light spins around him before he gives chase*

Lincoln: Ha! 

*Runs after the light* 

Lincoln: you're not getting away from me red light! I'm gonna catch you and you'll be a part of the collection of old stuff I have back home! 

*As Lincoln chases the light more red lights go all over the abandoned buildings some wild animals stare in curiosity at the lights while other animals flee for there lives* 

Lincoln: come back here now!

*Lincoln chases the red light out onto a field where a herd of feral dairy cows run when they see the rocket

Just as Lincoln chases the light around the field the other lights close in*

Lincoln: I got you now *grabs the light but then sees the other lights*  uh? 

*At this point now Lincoln realizes the the rocket Landing* 

Lincoln: *Scared* oh god! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  *Lincoln tries to run from is stopped by the rocket ignition he tries to escape as well but another ignition blocks his escape fortunately Lincoln jumps out of the landing coordinates of the rocket*

*the ship lands as Lincoln crawls away from a hot rock heated up from the ignition of the rocket*

Lincoln: Ow! That's hot! Yikes 

*Lincoln accidentally bumps into one of the rockets legs* 

Lincoln: Ah! 

*Lincoln looks up at the Rocket in Terror Scared of what's going on* 

Lincoln: what the heck is going on? what is this thing?! 

*Lincoln backs away slowly from the ship as a the ships door opens up and a extendable ramp drops onto the ground Lincoln runs behind a Boulder as the families already decked in the spacesuits and helmets begin to come out*

Man: Okay I'll send each family to scan a portion of royal woods...Chang's the north...Casagrande's the south Santiago's East Loud's and mcBrides the west 

*The man goes onto the rocket* 

Man: we'll be back to pick you up in a few weeks after you're doing with your mission

*the man goes back into the rocket as the door shuts and the extendable ramp is lifted back into the rocket* 

???: You know me and Luna need some fresh air 

???: Luna! Lynn! NO! The virus could still be alive?!! 

*Lincoln lifts his head above the rock as he sees two of the astronauts take their space helmets off revealing two girls one that is 15 years old and the other is 13 years old and Lincoln is enthralled by them*

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