{⋅. Forty-Four .⋅}

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His eyes were closed.

Or were they open?

Dream looked down, looking at his line hoodie and fingers. Nope, his eyes were open.

He was standing on an invisible floor, nothing but darkness surrounding him. 

Above him, he could see the faint outline of a roof, made of something dark... like obsidian.

"Oh thank goodness it worked!"

Dream whipped around, going to pull out his sword when discovering his inventory bracelet was empty.

"Thank god, I was hoping that would work. I can only get you in here you are passing through the void, and that only happens if you are traveling to another dimension or-"

"Who- where am I?"

It was a girl, her brown hair falling around her shoulders like soft curtains. Around her were what seemed like holograms, a control board.

She was the game-master.

"You're in my safe spot. You are under the void... which is ironically more void. Beyond death. It's the one place Herobrine can't get you."


"I'm sure you are very confused...

She turns around, taps something on the hologram keypad and turns back to Dream. A shadow was fitted over her face, to the point where he could hardly make out the feature.

"Who... are you?" Dream asked more firmly, starting to back away from the woman.

"Shouldn't you be asking more important questions?"

Dream felt like he should have run, but something about this girl made him at ease.

"Did... did I win?"

The girl suddenly burst into laughter, her hand going up to her eye as if to wipe a tears

"That's the hilarious part. You technically didn't."


"Sapnap killed the dragon by accident. Then, you got killed by George, Dream."

He stops.

"How... do you know our names?"

"I know most things, I've been here longer then you."

Dream takes a step towards the girl. Then another.

"So... what's going on?"

She takes a deep breath, and stands up off the floor. The girl tucks a lock of hair behind her ears and paces a little, the holograms following her.

"As you know, your consciousness has been transferred into the game, just like I was. Because I'm admin-"

"Your an Admin?"

"Owner actually, but because of that I have to run, and hide down here. I've don't have much control outside of this void room..."

Dreams mind was running with questions, so he took a deep breath.

"Who... who did it then?"

"Herobrine. You really think Mojang got rid of him? They tried for 10 years before they believed they got him out of the code for good!" She chuckled. "Turns out he just had other ideas."

The girl walks closer to Dream, and he can make out her cloudy blue eyes.

"He's been plotting, he wants to create a digital army. He wants complete control over them, he wants to ruin everything. That's why he hijacked my server."

Dreams eyes widen, and the girl fiddles with the hem of her dark coloured sweater.

"He hijacked it, and started playing with the idea of human consciousness. Soon managed to trap me in here and tried to hack into me. Because I'm an admin, he manages to get some perms before I come hide under the void... where he can't get to me."

"Then..." Dream pauses. "What do me George and Sapnap have to do with this?"

"You three were lured here with DM's that Herobrine somehow managed to send before I got away. By pressing enter, you let him transfer your consciousness into the game. He also heard about your manhunt mod, so he starts testing. 'How far can I go to control humans?' Once he knows he has full control... he's going to let loose an army..."

She settles back down onto the floor, her back to Dream, and starts going at the holograms again.

"I've been here, trying to make sure he can't do anything else and restraining him here. But the best way to get rid of him is to get rid of the server all together."

"Then why haven't you done it?" This was the breaking point for Dream. "If you can see all this, why couldn't you help us before!"

"By deleting the server." The girl continues on as normal. "Your consciousness would also be erased, basically meaning... you would die in the real world."

Dream is silent.

"The strange thing about being beyond the void means I'm in a whole new server by itself. Unless I have the console, none of my commands reach anywhere outside of here..."

She turns and a faint smiles appears on her face.

"Which is why I kept trying to get you here."

Dream backs up slightly, shaking his head.

"Let me get this straight. You are trapped here, Herobrine is the one giving compass and making my friends lose their god damn minds, and there is nothing we can do about it?"


The girl stands up, her eyes gazing over Dream like an icy wave.

"We both know that getting the compass from your friends will return them to normal, and that when they have the compass their minds are corrupted. This means we can't get them out of the game unless we get the compasses off them."

"I'm following..."

"So. Here's the plan. I'm giving you creative and you are going to get those compasses off your friends. Then I'm going to come out of the void and before Herobrine can try anything run a command that should kick all three of you. Then I'm going to shut down the server."

Dream runs the plan over in his head, only coming across one hiccup.

"But then... wouldn't that kill you?"

The girl smiles sadly at him.

"The captain always goes down with her ship."

Dream doesn't want this girl to die, even if he didn't know her. But from the look in her eyes, she is filled with determination, and she wasn't backing down.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. I am the one who got you into this, I'll be the one to get you out."

Dream stops for a second.

"...Can I at least have your name?"

She pauses. Then smiles.

"... It's Alyssa."


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»» ITᒪᗩᒪI ««

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