{⋅. Twelve .⋅}

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Dream watched as George blocked himself him, presuming he was healing up. Sapnap quickly got up off the ground, and rushed over to the wall, stone pickaxe in hand.

"Let's hide!" He mouthed. Dream followed his friend and they mined out a staircase up.

Eventually, through the walls of stone, Dream could hear George towering up. He motioned for Sapnap to stop, and he quickly poked his head out.

About 10 blocks away, was George scanning the ravine before him. Popping out, he started creeping towards the shorter. Sapnap popped out of the wall in front of him, and quickly took the lead.

Sapnap crept up directly behind George, practically breathing down his neck, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

George let out a small sigh, and quickly tapped his inventory bracelet to reveal a compass in his hand.

And Sapnap struck.

Shoving George off the edge, the boy let out a scream. Sapnap reached forward, not to grab his hand, but to grab the compass. Quickly storing it away into his inventory without a second glance.

George flailed as he fell, and coming from the loud thud that followed the cut off of his screams, it didn't seem like he managed to clutch anything.

Dream quickly walked over to Sapnap, looking over the edge.

"I-is... he dead?"

When Sapnap didn't answer, Dream threw himself off the ledge, landing in a puddle of water he placed for himself. Cautiously making his way over to George, he raised his sword and looked over the smaller.

George wasn't moving, probably out cold, but Dream could see the slight rising and lowering of his chest. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Splashing sounds came from behind him, indicating that Sapnap was now down here with him. Dream looked over his shoulder and threw a thumbs up at Sapnap.

Sapnap visibly relaxed, and quickly made his way over, kneeling beside George.



Dream looked down at Sapnap, who was now checking Geroge for a steady pulse.

"So... do we just leave him here?"

Sapnap snapped up, throwing a dirty look at Dream.

"Bro! We got the compass off him, he should be fine now... yeah?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Dream we cant just leave him like this. One hit from a zombie and he's gone! One arrow to the leg and he's done for."

Dream still looked sceptical, but he too didn't want to leave his friend out in the open so weak and defenceless.

"Fine. Bring George with us, we can spend the night in the wall."

Sapnap looked up at the sky that was now turning a darker colour, signalling that the suns duty's were nearly over for the day.


The two of them quickly got to work caving into the wall, as well as having a few close calls with George's body almost being finished off. One being a stray arrow that was aiming for Dream, another being a narrow missed swing from Sapnap.

Finally, the two (and a half) sealed off the entrance to their small stone hide-away. It wasn't very big, but it was good enough for a one night stand.

Between the two of them, they managed to have enough wool to create a bed for their poor friend, lying George underneath the covers.

The sun was dipping into the horizon when Sapnap stood up and declared that he was going to go get more food.

"It's almost dark out, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be back in like... two minutes!"

"Alright. 1....2..."

"You are not seriously going to count."


Sapnap let out a small huff of annoyance as he disappeared from Dreams view, towering up.

Dream set up some furnaces, and started cooking up the iron that he and Sapnap had collected. He also set up some smokers to help speed up the process of cooking when Sapnap eventually returned.

Munching on his bread, he heard a small groan from behind him and the shuffle of blankets behind him.

Drawing his sword, he whipped around to see George sitting up in the bed, rubbing his head.


His eyes widened at the sight of the sword in his friends hand, the memories of earlier quickly rushing back to him.

He just... he just tried to kill his friends...

What was he doing?

What was he thinking?

Before he could stop it, tears were rushing down his face, and he brought his knees up to his chest to bury his head into them.

Dreams dementor quickly broke down, and he found himself rushing to his friends side, the golden apple he found at the temple in his hand.

"George." He quickly muttered. "Your still weak, eat his."

Shaking his head, George pushed the golden delicacy away. Dream signed.

"I will force feed you it if you don't eat it right now."

Dream forced the apple into George's hands, and his friend raised his head up to look at the flaxen treat.

Suddenly, the smaller latched himself around his friend, burying his head in Dreams shoulder and muttering something over and over.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."


Congrats on reading Chapter Twelve!

Whoa! I didn't leave you on a cliffhanger? Holy-

Had a lot of fun writing this, even though I don't like the way it turned out.


I'm too lazy to rewrite it again.

Oh yeah I like wrote the first part of this chapter in like first person and I had to rewrite the whole thing again.

All my best,
»» Citlali ««

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