{⋅. Six .⋅}

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George's shiny stone sword grazed the side of Sapnaps torso, flashing in the weak morning sunlight. Sapnap hissed in pain and shock. He had never been hurt to the point where the wounds could draw blood.


Sapnap had nothing on him to help defend himself. All he had was his hoe (which to much of you readers surprise... does not do a whole lot of damage.)

"Oh Sappy Nappy!"

The sword came crashing back down against the earth, and George let out a small scream in frustration. Gasping at the close call, Sapnap quickly took a few steps back.

Trampling over his new-made farm, he quickly started to make his way back around the house, the hysterical laughters following him.

"Sapitus Napitus! Come here~"

"George! Leave me alone!"

He quickly rounded the house, screaming at the top of his lungs. Hoping to try and attract the attention of his less murdery friend.


But Dream was deep in his dreams.

George let out another small mechanical laughter.

"Sapnap! Come here Sapnap!"

Taking a deep breath, Sapnap started to round the house again, his back resting on the wall sliding against the wooden surface. But just as he rounded the corner, he was met with a quick rush of air.

He let out a scream as he stumbled back and quickly blocked the next slash with his hoe. George smirked at the attempt, and with his sword, sliced the hoe in two.

"That's rude."


Think fast!

In a flash, Sapnap scooped up blunt part of the hoe off the ground and smashed it into the side of George's head.

"Sorry!" Sapnap said, as he watched George stagger back, dropping his sword. Then, he turned around.

And booked it.

He slammed open the door to his house and ran up the stairs. Bursting into the bedroom, he stumbled over to Dreams bed and pulled the sheets off him.


"Dream." Sapnap said, slightly out of breath. "Listen here buddy. George? The guy who screams a lot. The guy who won't confess his dying love to you. You know him?"

"George? Yeah what's-"

"Okay yeah so he's crazy and he just tried to kill me. I don't know if it's the minecraft world or if he's just gone insane or-"

Dream slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes and slowly combing his bed head with his other hand.

"Sapnap. You're rambling. What's going on?"

Sapnap let out a small heavy sign.

"George. Gone mad. Just tired to kill me. We need to go. Like... now."

Dream looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"...Did you sleep okay last night?"

Sapnap let it a frustrated groan and grabbed his friends hand, leading him towards the stairs. Dream resisted, protesting loudly.

"Sapnap let me go! Are you okay? Is minecraft turning you insane? What's going on-?"

Dream suddenly felt the hand around his wrist tense, and Sapnap slowly started backing up. Dream looked up at the staircase, and his eyes widened.

George was standing at the bottom, leaning on his sword, with a murderous glint in his eye.

"Why... hello Dream. Pretty funny trick you played on me back there Sapnap..." George said in a low voice.

There was a small beat of silence.


Sapnap turned over to his friend.


The two of them quickly backed up from ten staircase, as George started creepin up it.

"Come on guys... I just wanna talk~"

"Don't listen to him!"

"What do you think I am. Stupid?"

"Kind of yeah!"

Dream quickly rushed over to a window, using his elbow, smashed it against the glass. Shards feel like snowflakes both inside and outside the house. Hoisting himself up, he quickly looked back over his shoulder.

Sapnap was on the edge of the staircase, rapidly placing dirt blocks to try and slow George down. George's laughs were muffled now, but you would still hear how crazy and how wild it sounded.

"Sapnap lets go!"

Shooting a quick glance at Dream, Sapnap spam placed all the rest of his dirt and rushed over to Dream. Dream leaned out the window as Sapnap joined him.

"That's a far drop Dream."


Dream walked off the edge and landed onto the earth. If this was real life, he should have broken a leg. But luckily it wasn't real life. Sapnap screamed at his friends reckless behaviour, but upon hearing George breaking the dirt behind him, quickly followed suit.



Congrats on reading Chapter Six!

I have determined that I am an idiot and cannot keep up a schedule. Therefore, I'm just gonna be publishing every week whenever I feel like I god damn wanna.


But hey, Dreams almost at 4 million the mad lad.

And on that note ... go sub to George and Sapnap. Let's get them to a million!

»» Citlali ««

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