{⋅. Fifteen .⋅}

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George woke up, but not to the sight he thought he would see.

As he sat up in the bed, he could hear two ppeople talking. Rubbing his eyes, the sight slowly came into focus.

There was Sapnap and Dream, sitting on the floor, looking at their inventory bracelets with a chest sat in the middle of them.

"Sapnap, do you have a stick."

"Go fish."

Dream let out a heavy sigh, closed his eyes and plunged his hand into the chest. Sapnap turned away as well. His hand came out with a feather, which he stored into his hotbar.

"Dream, you've got any cobblestone."

Grunting, Dream tapped his bracelet and tossed over a piece of cobble, which Sapnap stored deep in his inventory.

George rolled out of bed, his feet touching the stone floor. Hearing this, the two turned to look at the smallest, giving their salutations.

"Morning Loser."

"Bout time you got up."

Rolling his eyes, George wandered over next to them and kneeled down beside Dream.

"What you doing? Go fish on a budget?"

"Well we are in Minecraft, yeah we gonna have a budget."

Dream pulled out a loaf of bread and handed it to George. Opposite of him, Sapnap whined.

"Oh come on man! I was just about to ask you if you had bread."

Dream raised his hand with a finger and thumb and spelt the letter 'L' on his forehead.


Sapnap mimicked the notion but added another rude gesture with his other hand, only using the tallest finger.


Their small cave quickly filled up with laughter as the team moves to pack up and hit the road.



The three of them were all packed up now, and sitting at the bottom of the ravine, looking up towards the sky.

All 3 of them had an iron chest plate, iron swords and a bucket. George had a pair of iron boots, while Dream had an iron helmet. Sapnap on the other hand, had leather pants and boots to help him.

Basically, they were pretty stacked.

George cocked his head slightly left.

"So... what's the next move."

Sapnap shrugged and tossed Dream a stack of cobble. George rolled his eyes and began stacking up.

"Well." Dream said. "First, we get rid of that compass. You still got it Sapnap?"

Sapnap nodded, patting his inventory bracelet.

"Haven't let it out of my sight."

"Good. I say the easiest way is we find a lava pool, throw it in, and then build a nether portal using the lava pool."

Sounds easy enough.

The team finally managed to crawl out of the ravine, and after dusting the sand off their hands, they started making their way { downtown } across the dessert.

"Finding a lava pool should be easy in a dessert." Dream said.

"We will be our of here in no time." Dream said.

They proceed to spend the whole day trekking around the dessert for a lava pool.

Only when night fell were they able to use the lavas light as a guide and they finally found a lava pool.

"Finally!" Sapnap groaned, glaring down upon the lava.

"I say we bunker down for the night. It's not safe to do this at night." Dream stated, an arrow narrowly missing his left ear.

So after killing the skeleton, they built a cramped little cobblestone hut a little bits away from the pool of fiery death.

"If you think about it... we are really just having a sleep over."

"Yeah... where 2 of us get to sleep in the sand."


George rolled his eyes, and moved back to the furnace, where they were cooking some rabbit.

"Well I'm not taking the bed this time, I took it last night."

Sapnap and Dream quickly whirled around and faced each other.

"DIBS." They screamed in unison.

"Bro! I beat you in Go Fish."

"We didn't even finish that game!"

"I was closer."

"Nuh uh."

"Uh Huh."

"Nuh uh."

Rolling his eyes, George called over his shoulder.

"First one that brings me a spider eye gets to sleep in the bed."

In a flash, George was alone in their cobblestone shack. Savouring the silence, knowing it wouldn't last long.

Then, something ripped through the silence.

He heard a scream in the distance.


Congrats on reading Chapter Fifteen!

I wanna try something that I saw online yesterday.

Give a compliment to revive a compliment!

Comment "🦋"and everyone who sees has to give you a compliment.

Reply to others giving compliments as well!

Let's spread some love around here. Yippee! Love.

Edit: I edited this chapter just cause there were so many god damn grammar mistakes. Thanks for pointing them out! 

All my best,
»» Citlali ««

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