{⋅. Five .⋅}

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^ If ya know... ya know. ^
(photo credit not mine, taken off google)


The night was a clear blue-black. A magnificent, eternal state of the world. Beautiful and lucid. Soft rain hammered down upon the roof of the okay-ish house, pulling two of the three inside into an easy sleep.

One of them... stayed awake.

George tossed and turned in the white bed with white sheets and a white pillow. His thoughts were like a washing machine, tumbling and spinning in his mind.

Surely... this was his fault.

After all, George was the one who thought of the idea of joining this cursed server.

He didn't know what to think.

He missed his fans. He missed not having to worry about mobs. He missed Cat.

Even though George had only been in the game for mere hours... he missed everything.

Because of what he caused.


He sat up in his warm bed.

I'm gonna fix this. It's my mess, I have to clean it up.

George swung his legs off the side and let them hit the floor with a small thunk. He gasped quietly, and waited a few moments. Luckily, his friends continued their rhythmic pattern of sleep. Letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, he pushed himself off the bed and headed for the stairs leading to the first floor.

This is something I have to handle alone.

The door silently swung open, into the cool, bliss night. He didn't take anything with him, this stuff was all Dream and Sapnaps. But he did would have to take note on where this place was so he could come back when he found a way out of the game.

Oh shoot.

"How do I see coordinates?" The male softly muttered to himself, looking down at the bracelet.

He poked the button, opening it into an empty inventory. He released a small groan in frustration. George let his hand drop to his side as he closed it back up.

Looks like he would just have to rely on luck.

George cast one more look over his shoulder at the house, before walking into the forest.

To his surprise, he managed to successfully avoid most mobs by ducking behind trees and placing dirt. He punched down a tree and quickly managed to get his hands on a stone sword.

Stabbing a spider and watching it puff away into a spider eye and some string, something else caught his eye.


A compass?

The compass lay at the bottom of a tree, nestled between the roots. A thick dark grey rim, with a red needle on a black background. It looked fairly new... and it...

It looked like it was glowing.

George bent down, unsure of what to do. He doubted that neither Sapnap or Dream crafted it. Did someone before them make it? Was someone else here trapped with them?

It seemed to be luring him in. Calling him. This wasn't any ordinary compass.

So George did the only logical thing in mind.

He reached out.

And he grabbed it.

This wasn't any ordinary compass.


Sapnap opened his eyes to a blissful morning. The glittering sunrays spread across the world, various hues of shiny golds. Ready to embrace the day and ready for today's adventures to unfold.

He glanced over at George's bed, and his eyebrows jumped up at the empty sight of it.

"He must just be out on an early morning stroll." Sapnap reassured himself. "He just needs sometime to think everything we dumped on him yesterday. George is fine."

Dream was still in his bed, his mouth slightly ajar as he curled up under his blanket. Deciding to spare himself with a moody Dream, Sapnap rolled out of bed and headed downstairs.

Rummaging through some chests, he pulled out some sweet berries he had found nearby and chopped on some. He emptied the furnaces of food and ores. After sorting everything away, he glanced out the window.

Where was George?

"He's fine."  Sapnap told himself. But something else nagged himself from the back of his head. "But what if he isn't okay?"

"No." He firmly scolded himself. "George is fine."

He's fine.

"I need something to take my mind off everything."

Taking two iron and some sticks, Sapnap headed over to a crafting table and quickly crafted himself a iron hoe. Then, turning around, he quickly rummaged through some chests.


He pulled out some seeds, two buckets of water quickly stored them into his inventory.

Sapnap swung open the front door into the crisp morning air. He made his way around the house and begun to construct the farm. He quickly dig a 2 by 2 hole and created an infinite water source, and then started to till the ground around it.

He was so wrapped up in his work... he didn't notice the figure staring down upon him.


Sapnap jumped up and directed his gaze over to a tree. He let it a small breath he didn't realize he was holding when he saw George smiling down on him.

"Hey George. You were up early. Next time to go something like that, make sure to leave a sign or something."

A small beat of silence, and Sapnap turned back to his crops.

Suddenly, there was something cold resting on his neck.

"Don't worry..." A unfamiliar, yet familiar voice rasped out.

"There won't be a next time."



Congrats on reading Chapter Five!

Yes I know I'm late by an hour and a half to upload please dont hunt me down ok bye-

I don't work miracles. I have a really short attention span.

Also can we talk about that Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters Finale video that just came out holy heck.

I'll be happy to answer questions about things I wasn't clear about... if it doesn't spoil the story. ;)

All my best,
»» Citlali ««

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