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ironically enough, i wrote this chapter and then started to feel sick afterwards. enjoy some fluffy Jemily (:

happy readings! stay safe besties! -salem 🤍

TW: minimal swearing
Word count: 3214

JJ: "To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength." Criss Jami.

JJ walked into the BAU with a raging headache and the need to sleep for the next four years straight. Her entire body ached as she got up. And the heat on her cheeks and neck area only confirmed her suspicions.

She was sick. And this is bad because Jennifer Jareau couldn't and wouldn't accept that she is sick. She's only human, but JJ still got out of bed and threw on some makeup and grabbed a coffee and a sports drink, and came to work.

JJ quickly ran to her office and locked the door, so nobody would come in chasing after her. She sighed as her body began to fight the rising temperature from within her. She grabbed a sweater she kept in her office and threw it on, and sat down at her desk.

It was a couple of hours, and seemingly, JJ was going under the radar without any detection. But then she ran out of coffee.

There was a split moment in time that JJ considered ordering coffee off of one of those online food services, but her pride and wallet got in the way. She stood up and grabbed her mug before walking out of her office and into the bullpen. Again, all was going well.

"JJ?" Emily called out and tilted her head as the woman finally turned around. She took one good look at JJ and knew something was wrong.

"Oh hi, good morning," JJ said softly, trying to hide the congestion in her voice. Emily raised em eyebrow.

"Good afternoon, actually. You doing okay? I haven't seen you all morning. You're looking a little pale," Emily said and was about to put her hand on JJ's forehead, but the woman backed away and just grabbed her hand with a sweet smile. Emily's eyebrows went up as JJ tried to walk past the woman. "You're feeling sick."

"I'm not sick. I'm just cold and wanted coffee," JJ said and grumbled as Emily rolled her eyes. The older woman's hand wrapped around her back and pulled her in for a side hug. And just as JJ relaxed and nuzzled her face into Emily's neck, the older woman's hand touched her quite literally burning forehead. "Hey! That's not fair!"

"JJ, you're burning up," Emily said and grabbed the coffee from the woman and dumped it out. JJ's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm taking you home."

"What? No. I can't just go home," JJ said and crossed her arms. "I'm perfectly fine."

JJ said that as best as she could while trying to ignore the raging headache on the side of her temples. Emily shook her head. "Morgan, grab my stuff. I'm taking JJ home."

"No, Morgan. Sit down," JJ said and looked over at the man who looked fearful between the two women.

"What's going on with you two?" he said and stayed perfectly still.

"JJ is sick, and she needs to go home. Now can you grab me my things," Emily said as she wrapped her arm around JJ's waist and pulled the woman beside her, and walked with her a few steps. Derek got up and immediately sat down as JJ squinted her eyes at him. "Derek!"

"She's going to break my arm if I do!" Morgan shouted back and put his hands up in defense. Hotch looked over when he heard the commotion. He walked out of his office.

champagne problems x jemily/hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now