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can y'all believe it's almost chapter 40????? if you've been here since the beginning i applaud you and send you a million virtual kisses😘

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: minimal swearing, pregnancy talks, mentions of alcohol, drinking, mentions of smoking
word count: 3800

Derek: "What's meant to be will always find a way." Trisha Yearwood.

JJ had gotten to work semi earlier than usual. She had a clouded head and only wanted to clear her head. She sat in her car for a little, watching cars come and go out of the parking garage. But she saw one car in particular—a deep red Shelby Mustang. Specifically the driver and passenger.

JJ watched as she slowly sank back in her chair as Mendoza got out of the driver's side. He smoothed out his jacket as he walked around to the other side, opening the door for Emily. She smiled widely at him as she stepped out—all black jeans, sleeveless blouse, and shoes. Red bottoms, to be exact.

JJ watched as the two leaned in and kissed one another. She felt the green monster of jealousy come out. She had no right to be jealous. But who could blame her, really?

The two did a final kiss goodbye before Emily broke away towards the elevator. JJ stepped out of her car, grabbing her bag and coffee before racing to catch the elevator. Luckily Emily saw her and held the elevator for her.

"Thanks, Em," JJ said as the elevator closes in front of them. "Good morning, by the way."

Emily chuckled. "Good morning, JJ. Are you okay? You look a little pale like you've seen a ghost."

"Just a clouded head is all," JJ said and scratched the back of her neck. The painful silence between the two was just that, painful. Emily had suspected JJ of watching her and Andrew. This only confirmed it. "Hey, if you don't have any lunch plans, I'd love to take you to this new place they just opened up on K street."

"I would love to JJ, but I already have plans. Andrew is taking an extra-long lunch. We're getting into the routine of being together at least once a week for lunch," Emily said as she looked up at the numbers. This had to be the longest elevator ride she's ever taken. "We could go tomorrow."

"Right," JJ said and forced out a smile. "Tomorrow would be great."

"Great. I can invite Penelope too," Emily said and pulled out her phone. JJ pursed her lips. As much as she loved Penelope, she wanted this to be a lunch just for the two of them.

"Actually, Em, I just thought it could be the two of us," JJ said and placed her hand gently on the phone. Emily's eyes widened. "I haven't really gotten to talk to you one on one since you've been back."

"Oh, okay, yeah," Emily said and stuffed her phone back in her pockets. "Hey, are you going tonight? I'd love to see Henry again."

"I talked to Will, and I think he's going to stay home while I go. I know Henry's dying to see you again," JJ said and smiled softly. "Is Declan coming?"

"He has practice tonight, and Tom and I both know he'll be exhausted. Maybe the next dinner," Emily said and smiled. Finally, the elevator doors opened. The two walked out and broke away, Emily to her desk and JJ to her office.

She didn't want to go to Rossi's tonight. JJ didn't want to see the possibility of Emily and Andrew together. Especially if there's alcohol, she'd definitely let something slip. But, it was her job to be there for Spencer and Emily as they showed off their new lovers. Spencer specifically was excited to show off this mystery woman to everyone on the team.

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