Star Sighting

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Fanart by @bluebirdiice on twitter

Published: March 23rd 2021

More Techno and Tubbo stories to fuel my need of the firework duo.

•Mentions of death


Phil took his kids on a camping trip. It was quite late so they were kind of just star gazing. Tommy fell sleep, leaning on Wilbur's arm. Tubbo was sleepy, but didn't let himself sleep.

After all, his father didn't let him sleep without permission, and he didn't want to upset his new caretaker. Also, someone really close to him was completely fascinated by stars, and he wanted to understand why.

Techno noticed this, "hey, you can sleep if you want to."

Tubbo looked over to his new older brother with a soft smile as he shook his head and continued to stare at the stars. Tubbo was a difficult one to actually talk to since he was really quiet. Techno didn't realize that it was hard to for others to talk to him when he was being silent until Tubbo came along to show it.

Techno sighed, "you look tired though, you sure?"

Tubbo nodded. Phil looked at them and saw that Techno was getting slightly annoyed. Tubbo looked tired, but was keeping himself awake. He looked over at his youngest son, Tommy, and at his eldest son, Wilbur, and they were both practically asleep.

"It's time to go to sleep," Phil said with a soft smile as he picked up Tommy and shook Wilbur awake lightly.

Wilbur yawned and stood up, "sleep now...?"

"Yeah. Cmon Techno, Tubbo."

Techno sighed and stood up as Tubbo did as well. They walked over to their tents, but Techno noticed that before Tubbo got in his tent, he stared at the stars again. Tubbo tilted his head and then he shrugged and walked in his tent with a soft smile.

Techno raised a brow at his younger brother. That isn't a normal reaction to stars, so Tubbo clearly had something on his mind. But, Techno had a feeling that getting the answer of what he was thinking about out of Tubbo wouldn't be an easy task. Techno went into his tent and lied down.

After about an hour or two and Techno couldn't sleep at all. He just rolled around trying to get comfortable, but failing. Techno saw a shadow walk by his tent and got curious.

Techno got out of his tent and he saw Tubbo sitting on a log, staring at the stars again. Techno got up walked over to him.

"Hey, what are you doing up?"

Tubbo flinched curled up in a ball closing his eyes, ready to be hit. But no impact ever came. Tubbo looked up a little to see Techno with a concerned expression. Tubbo let out a shaky sigh of relief before he gave Techno a small smile while getting out of his protective ball.

Techno was concerned for his younger brother. That was a reaction that he had to mentally note down. Techno sat next to Tubbo and Tubbo looked back at the stars.

"Why are you so interested in the stars?" Techno asked softly as he looked at them. "We see them every night, today you seem really interested in them."

Techno wasn't expecting the answer he got. Hell, he wasn't even expecting an answer.

"I'm trying to figure something out..." Tubbo said softly.

Techno raised a brow, "mind telling me?"

  Tubbo smiled softly at Techno, "my mom... found stars... really interesting... and I want to know why."

Techno tilted his head. Tubbo never mentioned his biological parents at all. Despite him being Techno's brother for about a year. Tubbo wasn't really one to talk unless it was to Tommy. He took time to talk to, but Techno could now finally get verbal answers out of him.

"Oh. That's an interesting..." Techno said as he looked at the stars.

Tubbo nodded as he looked up at them again. They sat in a comfortable silence until Tubbo decided to tell Techno something.

"You know.. today's her birthday..." Tubbo said softly.

"Oh really? That's cool. Do you know how old she's turning?"

Tubbo's smile saddened a little, "I think she stopped aging awhile ago..."

Techno raised a brow at Tubbo in confusion, "what?"

Tubbo's eyes showed sadness, "she passed away a few years ago... do people stop aging after that..?"

Techno then gave Tubbo a sympathetic expression, "she's passed?"

Tubbo nodded, "she said that if she left this world one day, that she would turn into one of them and she'll be shining the brightest when it's her birthday..."

Techno gave him a sad smile, "who knows. She very well could be."

Then, an uninvited tear fell down Tubbo's cheek, "I miss her..."

Techno looked over at Tubbo, not knowing what to do. He did the only thing that he knew that helped him when he panicked. Techno scooted closer to Tubbo and wrapped him into a hug.

Tubbo's breath hitched as he stiffened. Techno noticed this and stayed still.

"You can let it all out..." Techno said in a soothing voice.

Tubbo whimpered slightly, "a-are you sure...?"

"It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. So don't worry."

Tubbo then started to silently cry endlessly as he leaned into Techno. Techno wrapped his arms around the crying boy and rubbed circles on his back to comfort him.

After about an hour of Tubbo crying, he was getting tired. All that was heard was Tubbo's sniffles as he nuzzled into Techno's chest. Techno ruffled Tubbo's hair.

"Do you want to go to sleep now...?" Techno asked softly.

Tubbo nodded, "c-can... can I sleep... with you...?"

Techno felt his heart warm at the request. He smiled softly.

"Of course you can," Techno then picked up Tubbo.

Tubbo clung onto Techno in instinct. Techno found it adorable, but didn't have a reaction as he carried Tubbo to his tent. He put Tubbo down and grabbed his cape. He wrapped Tubbo in it, who silently thanked him and lied down. He motioned for Tubbo to come over which made Tubbo smile.

Tubbo walked over to Techno and lied next to him. Tubbo cuddled into his older brother as Techno wrapped his arms around his younger brother.

"Thanks Techno..." Tubbo said softly.

Techno nodded, "sure thing bud. Night."

Then, they drifted off to sleep.

I'll be providing the Tubbo and Techno content as it is rare. o7

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story :D

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