Understanding Feelings

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Fanart by @krysenAOZ on twitter

Made: January 17th 2022
Published: February 28th 2022

Tubbo doesn't like feeling emotions to much as it has lead to nothing but pain for him. His husband helps him through it

Bad days are common.

But bad days normally start off as bad days, this one didn't.

He was happy, he was! He was happy and then his brain started... well, it let him know why he shouldn't be.

The obvious change in mood from the brunette was noticed from his husband, but the older didn't say anything as he didn't wish to worry their son who they were with.

They were outside, having fun in the snow, building snowmen, making snow angels, snowball fighting, it was a great day.

But Tubbo had to ruined it, didn't he?

He always ruins everything.

He hates that about himself.

When they put their son down for a nap, as he was still a growing child, the multicolored immediately knew he had to check in with the other.


There wasn't a verbal response, but the smaller just nodded.

"Are you okay...?" The taller knew it was a stupid question, but the reaction the other had would help a lot on knowing how to go with comforting him.

"I dunno..." the shorter spoke softly.

Alright, this wasn't a denial of his own emotions moment. Good to know.

"What's wrong..?"

"I dunno..."

Same response.

"Can I do anything to help...?"

"... I dunno."

The taller nodded and offered a hand out to him. The brunette mindlessly took it as the split-toned led him to their bed and they sat down, making themselves comfortable.

The older found himself combing his hands through his husband's hair as he could feel the tenseness of him. More questions were wanting to be asked, but he refrained from it. He didn't know how much his love could take before possibly breaking down, as much as the other needed to let out those emotions, he knew the smaller would end up feeling worse about himself later.

So he waited and just held the shorter close.

"I just... I wish I could just feel normal emotions without feeling like complete shit," the brunette confessed after a long while of silence.

The taller noticed the other flinch at the disruption of the silence, but allowed him to continue.

"It's like, whenever I get too happy, it's like my head jumps in to remind me why I shouldn't be. That I need to always be on alert, if I let down my guard for stupid emotions then something terrible will happen," the goat hybrid further explained.

"It's alright to be paranoid with all you went through, Bee," the dual-colored responded softly.

"I... I know it's ok to feel this way. But it doesn't stop my mind from disagreeing that I can feel like it, if that makes sense..."

"You've dealt with so much pain and betrayal... your brain doesn't seem to allow you to think of anything else than anything new happening again." The enderman hybrid explained.

"So this is just... some response to some ye ol' trauma?" The brunette chuckled lightly.

The older smiled at it, "yeah, pretty much."

"Man. My head is cringe," the smaller murmured, "trying to stop me from being normal, the prick."

The taller kept running his hands through the other's hair and softly pressed a kiss on his forehead. The small smile on the shorter's face was worth it.

Although Tubbo's brain was always on high alert, when it was completely just the two of them in these kinds of moments, his mind was calm. Those trauma responses went against the brain chemical that made him feel all mushy for the enderman he cares about so much. It won't last long, but he always loves it.

Short little fluffy angst for y'all :D

Hope you liked it

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