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Fanart by @astrocrapp on twitter

Made: July 18th 2021
Published: September 28th 2021

Basically, this takes place when Tubbo has to pick to exile Tommy or to not.

He still chooses to exile Tommy, but it has a bit of a different reason behind it :D

"Make you decision, Tubbo. Is it Tommy, or the nation?"

The teen looked behind him at all his members of his cabinet, then back at the manipulator in front of him. He took a deep breath as all eyes were on him, which was something he wasn't use to.

"I have come to the decision... that..."

The brunette glanced over at his best friend then back at the green man. Taking another deep breath.

"That the best course of action... is..."

The teen president felt a chill run up his spine as he was carefully taking the next few words into consideration.

"To... exile TommyInnit."




The brunette ignored all of his cabinet members shouting at him. He was the one who gave the answer, they can't change it. He knew what he was doing, after all, he did have a chat with the green man in front of them before this.

Dream smirked, "good choice, president."

The adult walked past the teen, slowly down when he got near Tubbo.

He whispered, "when I get back, I'll pay my end of the deal."

The smaller let out a breath and nodded. Not wanting the face that his best frien-


He didn't have a right to call the blond that anymore.

The older teen turned around as Tommy was moved off the wall where the rest of the cabinet stood. The green hooded adult jumped down and made the younger stand up. The two teens locked eyes. One, full of betrayal and hurt, and the other, dull.

The smaller teen didn't know how to feel about it. So he just put on a face where he didn't feel anything. The face the taller teen had expressed made him feel even more guilty of this decision. But what was done has been done. He can't change it now.

Quackity lead Tubbo and Fundy to a room as their minutes man went off. The room was covered in pictures of pigs and weapons through them. A butchery.

Then the beanied man mined a wall to show armor stands of 4 outfits with names of the cabinet members. Including Tommy.

They didn't have to say anything to show the fact that they were overly angry at the teen for his decision. But did they have the right to be mad? Absolutely they did, but he was the goddamn president. What the small teen decided, goes. They just have to deal with it.

"I prepared this... for trying to get rid of Technoblade. Hell, it might've been able to threaten him enough to join our side and fight Dream. Like Tommy wanted. But someone got in the way of the plan," the adult stated at the brunette teen.

The smaller nodded, "I see... so you had this all figured out, huh...?"

"I don't- I don't see how it can't still be used though," the fox hybrid spoke.

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