Thank you

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I owe all of you who read this so much.

I don't know where to begin when writing this, but thank you all so much for reading this.

I started writing it because I had so many ideas stored up in my head, and I didn't want them to get lost in there with swamps of other things.

Writing is a lot harder than I thought at first, but I got the hang of it and just wrote what was on my mind. Then decided to publish it, and people actually liked it!

I owe so much of my writing inspiration to Smol_Celestial15 and Pluto_9thplanet

I read their stuff and they became big inspirations to write it my own. Specifically Tubbo stories that is.

I saw how happy reading their stuff made me, and I wanted others to feel that way as well, so thank you both!

Dogsaresofties is another inspiration to me for writing, just not exactly the Tubbo stories :P

Thank you so much as well, though.

And again, thank you all so much for taking this journey with me. Whether you decide to continue reading me or not is your choice to make, however, I still will be uploading.

The part 2 for this book has been made when I only had room for only 4 more chapter.

If you'd still read me, part 2 will come out on my regular posting schedule day, which is 2 days from now.

Thank you all so much for this experience. I love waking up to see the comments you all leave behind for how my stories are. I love seeing you all like them. I hope you continue too, if you still continue to read me.

Or if you want to go back on this book as well, I do that too sometimes.

I won't say that I couldn't have made the journey without you all reading it, because I would've posted these stories whether or not anyone read them regardless, but I will say that I'm happy that you all read it. That certainly made writing a lot easier and fun for me to write knowing that I had people who wanted to read it.

Thank you all so much. From the bottom of my heart, all of you have helped me out by just reading it. Thank you.

Made: April 11th 2022
Published: May 21 2022

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