Make it worth something

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Fanart by @kit_katTheKat on twitter

Made: December 19th 2021
Published: February 2nd 2022

So... I did end up making another part to the 30 days smp thing. Isn't that great

Basically, Tubbo knows that his most purpose is to keep everyone alive in the testing through automating things, but he also wanted to do something himself. Not really caring if he lives if not, seeing as he isn't even suppose to be there in the first place.

Also, got close to a lot of people from different factions ig.

One more thing, when Ranboo is a human in my stories, his multiple colored skin is then put in his hair and his skin is just his normal skin color irl. White slender man. His eyes are still christmas colors tho


How does one be useful to others?

Where does someone have to begin in order to prove a use?

Do they just have to be good at something that other could use to survive?

Wouldn't that make them be just using that person?

Would it matter seeing as it was giving them a use?

Time is limited to many people, but very limited to Tubbo. 3 hours isn't a lot of time, he realized after getting in. It freaked out quite a bit of people when the timer of the collar on his neck reached 0 and he just passed out. Not waking up until a long time after. One of the people he got more close to was named Ranboo. For some reason, the other was set on trying to keep him alive. Perhaps out of pity by the short time limit each day? Who knew.

Automating things was his whole reason to being there. He was doing it the best he could, but creating farms took more than 3 hours. Then, how it doesn't completely stay working when he woke up so he had to fix it and find away to make it continuous without him. Then, the only other person who apparently also knew about building these farms just decided to up and die, it wasn't the best.

Luckily, those who died didn't die from any of the test subjects, (just roll with it) so there wasn't a reason for any of them to go all hostile. Tommy mostly tried to gather items for the brunette to actually build his creations. As did that Ranboo person, still didn't really know his deal. The guy just seemed like a nice dude that's trying to keep him alive. Trust is very hard to earn though, so that wasn't gonna be enough.

At the moment? Tubbo was bored. He had almost 1 and a half hours left to do something. He wondered. Then it hit him.

The barriers. They were up, and if you touched them then they sort of shocked you with some kind of electricity. But you still go through it.

This... this is a testing, right...? Maybe, I'll try some things out...

Basic knowledge was to help through all of this. Throughout most of the day, he was left alone without Ranboo or Tommy as they were getting items for his farm that was almost done. He was bored of working on the same project for so long. So, through basic knowledge, he was able to use half an hour to create rubber armor for himself. He already had the materials.

He tried to just go through after that, but it didn't seem to work as it wouldn't let him go though completely. Although, he didn't get shocked. That was interesting. So he decided to make something else. A boat and just cover that in rubber as well.

"Tubbo? What are you doing?"

The smaller turned around to see the familiar multicolored eyes, "oh, mister Boo. You got my material?"

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