It's hard to forget the past

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Fanart by @alfa_artz on twitter

Made: August 8th 2021
Published: November 20th 2021

(Am bored so post)

So basically, Tommy questions Ranboo on how he was able to get Tubbo use to physical touch again since he hasn't been a fan of it since the Manberg ages.

Pretty angsty towards the end, so heads up now. But I'll provide comfort since I'm not a monster.

"How'd you do it...?"

Ranboo turned his head towards the blond, "what?"

"How did you do it?" Tommy said clearer.

"How did I do what?" The enderman asked, confused on where this came from.

The younger sighed, "get Tubs to be okay with physical contact n' shit. How'd you do that?"

"Uh," this wasn't a question the taller expected, "I just sorta went at his pace? Why?"

"No, no you did something..." the shorter looked to the enderman, "cause' I've been trying to get him use to me again since before you were here, and now all of a sudden, he's all buddy-buddy with you? What did you do?"

"Um... I'm not sure...?"

The older teen really didn't know, he didn't know that he had this kind of privilege with his husband. He'd expect Tubbo to be fine with small things with his friend, after all it took a long time to get the brunette use to him just barely head patting him.

"M' not jealous or anything, I just wanna know. I'm happy that he's okay with someone after all we've been through, but I'm just wondering how," the blond explained.

"I'm not really sure what I did, if I'm honest. I just sorta stayed with him when he needed someone. Tried to help him through all the stressful times I've seen him go through. But, he is my husband now, so maybe he made himself get use to it? I don't know. I hope not," the taller spoke.

"Maybe. It's good to know he's getting use to physical contact again. He barely lets me even hug him," the younger sighed.

The older's ears twitched, "again? He was use to it before?"

"Mhm," the blond answered, "we're called the 'clingyduo' for a reason, big man. Barely did anything apart back in the day. That was when nothing happened to either of us. None of us had any scars, no memories, no explosions. Just us bein' kids."

Ranboo gave a soft look at the smaller, "sorry..."

"Relax man. It's not your fault. Mostly is Dream's, but the guys in prison now. Can't do much bout' it," the younger responded.

The two teens eventually split and went their separate ways. It lingered in the back of the enderman's mind about how Tubbo and Tommy would've been like if nothing happened to them. No scars? What would they look like without them? He'll never know.

He's a bit upset at that, not the fact that he won't see his husband's face when it wasn't covered with wounds, but for the fact that those scars were given to them by so much trauma they've both been through. It made him upset that no one decided that they were just kids and that they deserve to just have fun anymore.

"Hey, Tubs...?" Ranboo asked.

The brunette hummed from the enderman's chest in response. They were in their mansion sitting on a couch. (Or sofa, whatever you wanna call it.)

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