
667 38 31

Made: March 13th 2022
Published: April 15th 2022

After Tommy gets revived is the time set for this one.

•Mentions of suicide/death

•Tubbo needs a therapist. A good one.


How many times are you going to do this to me?

Tubbo watched as his best friend was walking around to different people, talking to them.

How many times are you going to die and just come back?

The blond didn't like the fact that everyone kept bringing up he died.

Are you even real? Am I hallucinating? It wouldn't be the first time.

The brunette tired talking to him before, tried to make sure he was real before, but all the maybe hallucination would talk about is Dream. That's all he would say.

About how much Dream needs to be dead, now much he wants to kill him.

The goat gets it. Believe him, he does!

He would do anything to help the blond, resting down his life for him whenever the other needed it.

Would he be sacrificing himself for someone who might not even exist? Sure, but he'd then actually see him. So it was fine.

Was it though?

He did have other things to live for now.

Should he though?

Was it selfish to try to find comfort and give value to other people while the only one he cared for before, was in pain?

Was it right?

No. No it wasn't.

The undead(?)'s reaction towards Ranboo said so.

God, why was he so selfish?

The poor blond was dealing with hell, maybe even quite literally, but here he was, trying to make himself forget the pain that he knows damn well he deserves to feel.

But I don't wanna fight anymore...

He truly didn't.

I'm tired...

He was. Why didn't anyone get that?

Why won't anyone notice when I'm in pain?

They never gave him attention because he never deserved it.

Why does no one try to help me until it's to late?

Tommy was dealing with so much, why was he thinking about himself during this?

Why doesn't he see the influence this left on me? It's always about him! Why can't it be about anyone else?

The younger was hurting.

Even Ranboo! He was hurting too, but no one helped him! I couldn't even if I wanted to! Why did no one else?!

He can't do blaming his best friend for what he was going through.

Am I just being selfish?

I am, aren't I?

Selfish, ungrateful little Tubbo.

Always trying to be the center of attention.

He hated people paying attention to him.

He never wanted people to care for him enough to notice he was in pain.

So why is he complaining now?

The blond went to sit on the bench as he trailed behind. He didn't know what to say, did he even want to speak? Would he be speaking to air?

"Don't you have anything better to do?"

The brunette flinched at the disruption to the silence, but didn't respond.

"You have a husband, a kid, a hotel, a new country, you have it all. Why are you still here?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" The voice fell out before he could think.

"Because you got more important shit?"

"You're important to me too."

"... You seem to have lived pretty well without me."

Why can't he see I'm hurting too.

"I'm sorry it hurt you."

I failed you.

"You're not the only one whose hurt me."

"I know that, but I'm sorry I played a part in that."

"... Right, you put me in exile."

Why is he bringing this up...?

"I did. I'm sorry."

"Hardly remembered what you did. It was what you didn't do that stung."

"What didn't I do?"

What can I do to make it up to you?

Do I need to suffer for all I've done?

I will if that's what you want.

"You never visited me."

Why would you want to see me after I hurt you?

"I called out for you, held pictures close, always thought of you. My best friend. I wanted you to come and take me away, I don't care where."

I'm sorry.

"But you never did. Dream practically scared me straight. Almost made me jump, y'know?"

"I saw it."

"... I see. That's why you thought I was dead?"


"Well, glad we were on the same mindset."

Once I got back I wanted to jump off it too just to be back with you.

"Now that same guy who tortured me is going to escape prison. He killed me, and now he's going to completely finish the job. Maybe kill me over and over until I beg him to let it end for real."

I will never let that happen. He'll have to survive me and a fucking nuke before that.

"Then we better get planning for it."

"Exactly what I've been trying to tell everyone, Tubzo."

I don't wanna fight...

"I'll do whatever you want me to, Tommy. I at least owe you that."

I'm tired. So damn tired.

"Thank you, Tubbo."

But for you I'll fight.

"We might die."

For you...

"I'll do anything, as long as I'm with you."

I am completely willing to lay down my life.

Even if you're not the only thing I have to live for, the others can wait.

You were the first.

They will get their fair share before my end.

But I will die for you. Even if you'll never notice how much I hurt to just be with you now.

Seriously, Tubbo's mental health needs to be looked at more. Ranboo might notice a small bit of it, but noticing is only so much.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed

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