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Fanart by @xMaruu11 on twitter

Made: January 29th 2022
Published: March 22nd 2022

Tubbo and Micheal back together after dealing with an terrible warden <3

"Sam, where is my child?"

"What do you wa— what?"

"I want my child back, Sam."

"Why are you with them?"

"Where's Micheal?"

"Why did you take Micheal?" Eret asked.

"Eret," Sam spoke, "I left you a book. I told you—"

"You said it was for the greater good, you stole Micheal!" The tall brunette shouted.

"It is for the greater good. He's safe! He's fine, I needed him— why are you with them, Tubbo?"

"You murdered Ranboo," the pig said.

"And kidnapped my child!" The goat added.

"Haven't they both murdered you before, Tubbo?" The creeper hybrid questioned.

"We dealt with that, they hurt me almost a year ago for both of them. You kidnapped my kid and killed my husband recently." Tubbo glared at him.

"Well, why would I give you Micheal?"

"... I'm his father," the brunette glared more, "why would you not give me my son back?"

"You come here with peoples who's obviously against me—"

"I don't give a SHIT who's against you!"

"What do you expect? Me to just, y'know, immediately give him to you?"

The three of them seemed to have cornered him.

"Everybody back up," he spoke.

As if he held any power in this situation.

"Don't tell us what to do," the pink haired said.

"We could literally end you right now," Tubbo spoke after.

"And I could kill Micheal," the creeper piped up.

"No," the king spoke up, "because you said you needed Micheal. What do you even need him for?"

"I- I didn't lie to you, Eret. I'm building a safe place for Micheal," the warden replied.

"That isn't you decision to decide," the goat said.

"Do you just kidnap people's babies and just put them somewhere because you think it's safer for them or something?" The pig hybrid questioned.

"Do you not see the error of your ways, here? Why is it up to you to decide what can protect my child or not?" The youngest added.

"Because, no one else is able to do it, apparently."








(He ain't lying tho-)

"Besides, I needed him to be able to arrest Ranboo," the warden added.

"Why did you arrest Ranboo?" Techno asked, "what did he do?"

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