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Fanart by @Bubblew0lf1 on twitter

Made: October 6th 2021
Published: December 25th 2021

So uh, I wanted to make a Purpled Tubbo duo chapter but I couldn't find any with the two of them. So Ranboo and Tommy won't physically be there, but they will be mentioned.

Tubbo left his home and back to start up his new job. The new job? He now worked for Quackity at a new burger place called Tubburger. If the goat is honest, he was surprised on how fast the beanied adult just let him work here despite the fact that he legit threatened the place he now works at.

To be fair, the two were pretty close through a lot of things. During when they both worked under a certain man, they helped each other out when it got to much. Mostly the brunette helped the older through the stress seeing as it was more visually effecting him than it was the teen, though. The smaller did feel betrayed when the other just let him get executed, but he did try to convince the president of that time to not execute him.

So, they know that they go way back so it also didn't really surprise him as much. But it was still suspicious seeing as the taller seemed to be going a tiny bit mental. So, the goat hybrid is choosing to stay on guard around him. Well, that was the point in joining as well.

Things have been going on with Wilbur getting revived, Las Nevadas starting, and then his whole Cookie Outpost thing that happened. His life has been pretty hectic, though, he was use to it like that. The teen knows that the peace he had would soon disappear as it always seems to. Remaining the the background of chaos is never a good thing as you'll either be forced to choose a side, or used against someone. That's just how their world works, as sad as it is.

Tubbo has people he cares about, so he's rather be in an area himself rather than have to be forced to do it. But there were two sides, and neither of them were really any good. As much as he trusts his husband, the brunette knows how Wilbur is. He knows well that the undead man has not changed. The same attitude, same smile, same crazy look in his eyes, it's all the same.

As someone who has been betrayed or worse before, he knows when people fake things. It's become a habit for him to make sure no one is around him because of the countless times shit has gone down because he was careless. Hell, even his best friend fakes things around him. Though, it's understandable seeing their history.

Wilbur was a dangerous path to follow, he's going down and bringing everyone he can with him and Tubbo knows it. He'll let Ranboo do what he wants until he needs to intervene to keep his beloved safe. It does seem to be that this whole rivalry has been messing up their previous close relationship as the enderman won't even look remotely close to where the goat's eyes are hidden behind his hair, but it doesn't matter if the taller grows to hate him. It just matters if he's safe.

The brunette knows that his life is losing its meaning the more and more he stays on his last one. He knows that the rivalry between Wilbur and Quackity will lead into a full-on war and he's being on a side during it, again. He already smelled the air full of gunpowder thanks to his inhuman nose. He's not one to be fooled, he created nukes for crying out loud.

He's just decided, that being inside is better as he can gain information about the upcoming chaos so he can protect the people who he loves. He's done this before and it didn't have good outcomes, but oh well. He'll actually have a purpose and be useful to those he care for. He'd lay down his life for them regardless, as long as their safe.

So he's in here for information. He was suspicious of Las Nevadas when he had his outpost, but now he's on the inside.

There was someone there who he honestly didn't expect to see.

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