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Tell me how happy you were to receive this notif 🙃

I'm jk 😆

Enjoy 🥰


It was a breezy day in the early days of February, the nights were colder but the days slightly warm.

Katana awoke to Rin snuggled lightly to her, their legs wrapped together in an intricate tangled mess of limbs while his head rested in the crook of her neck.

His favourite spot.

The soft exhale from him allowing his breath to gently bristle against the microscopic hairs there blowing them to and from him.

The slight tickle which in turn caused goosebumps to eat at her skin was pleasant.

It reminded her he was there that this dreamlike state which she was in was anything but fake. It was reality.

Her right hand uncurled from around him going to his bare back as she brushed along the length of it in soft rythmatic motions, slowly.

It was now her favourite routine whenever she woke up and on the odd days he woke up early he'd do the same almost as shyly as when they first met.

It calmed them both.

The soft sound of nature outside, the early birds flying around as the wild roosters called into the crisp morning air.

She could always hear the slight change to his breathing pattern when he began to awaken even as he did now; the slight pause as the breaths became more fast paced instead of slow.

He moved his head from side to side slowly rubbing his nose against her neck causing her eyes to close now as she reveled in the feeling of his movements a sigh falling from her lips.

He shifted slightly now placing quick kisses all over her face then lay back down with a smile.

"M-Morning Ana"

He'd given her the new nickname sometime ago and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She never had one before but with him she now had many things.

She placed a kiss to his forehead her eyes still closed lashes brushing slightly against her cheeks.

"Morning babe, slept well?"

He nodded the very tip of his nose running along the crevice of her neck sending pleasant shivers along with goosebumps along her skin yet again.

"I did! I-I always do with you near me"

Her skin and heart warmed from his sentiments. She found it happening even more now though she'd admit the only one she'd ever be this soft for was him and only him.

She held him close smiling as her nose buryed into his hair filling her lungs with his scent; another one of her morning rituals.

As the morning wore on they fell into their morning routine methodically and swiftly.

They'd grown so accustomed to each other it came as second nature to them now.

The rain water which Katana stored in many large drums drums outside which ran through the cottage now cascaded down her back as she soaped him up.

The shower now slightly foggy from the warm water her fingers working across the expanse of his milky skin.

Rin's eyes stayed closed head tilted back mouth slightly agape droplets of water running all over him in tiny pebbles chasing down the plains of his skin while the wind whistled a soft tune outside.

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