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This chap is dedicated to my J and T whom I shall forever love and cherish deep within, as I've already said words cannot describe so I won't try you already know <3 

Also I know some of you might have felt like stabbing me last Friday *clears throat* sincerest apologies but I wanted to kill me too x

P.s: This one is somewhat long so if you wish grab a snack, tea, milk, or something sit back get comfy and enjoy 🤓


Seeing as the upcoming day for Rin's departure was fast approaching things had been slightly cold over the past two days.


Rin somewhat closed into himself and Katana spent as much time as she could outside not wanting to see what truly resided in those grey depths.

Those same grey depths she loved so much.

It was for the best is what she kept telling herself yet in the back of her mind their was something telling her it was not yet her judgement was clouded , blinded in a thick haze by her love for him.

As she sat outside on a sturdy rock not too far away from the cottage watching as the morning sun began to peek over the horizon in warm tones her mind wandered to him still sleeping soundly inside the occasional snore drifting from his soft lips.

Images of when she first laid eyes on him churned around in her mind as they always did along with all they'd experienced and gone through; the sweet moments even the rough ones and even though a sense of melancholy governed her.

She smiled.

Smiled at his smiling face in her mind even the slight fascination his eyes seemed to always have.

She smiled at it all.

And finally she smiled at the opportunities her little Rin would now have.

To grow, to thrive.


She prepared breakfast for them, expertly moving back and forth around the kitchen seeing in her peripheral how Rin's usual chipper mood was more dull and sluggish as she observed him from the corner of her eye and so she tried not to be so aware of him along with the twisting pain deep within her like a rusty dagger, it's deep auburn tip piercing her flesh as it plunged into her again and again.

Piercing her heart.

She squeezed her eyes shut while taking  in a quiet calming breath to steady herself and then continued with her task.

She noticed Rin move again and the table's chair scrape backwards, the sound freakishly loud considering everything else was so deathly quiet, even nature itself seeming to sense the change to some extent.

"W-When do we we leave Katana?"

She heard the slight uncertainty to his words and the fidget which his eyes normally had seemed to speed up slightly. 

She could tell he was somewhat scared of such a new situation as a concentrated expression weighed down on his beautiful features.

Yet she bottled up her feelings and masked her voice.

"We leave in a couple hours, did you pack the clothes into the backpack I set for you?"

He self consciously looked over his shoulder to where the backpack in question resided and nodded as he looked back to his fingers another thought seeming to rest on his lips.

He never asked.

She set the table with fresh fruits and nuts from her garden even neighbouring trees. 

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