|Virtual Hugs|

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I remember back in my first book when I wasn't sure if I'd write more but now I really do enjoy it, having an outlet for me to drift away to when I need it

It's refreshing 😌

So thank you so much to all those who have enjoyed my work. The thoughts and feelings you've shared with me warm my heart, make me smile and want to write even more

Especially the ogs who've stuck with me since, Shy Smiles, Warm Cocoa

Love to see it 😭

Some may wonder if I have anymore book ideas 🤔 and I shall tell you I actually do, like they pop up all the time 

Next I have a dark oneshot about a girl taking revenge, her own form of justice as you will on those who have hurt her. Very different from what I do but I wanted to do one so if you read dark things well it'll be coming

Next is an Ambw shortstory, I thought of this one recently so I'm still planning it but that will definetly come as well 👀

In future I may (who am I kidding yes I will) add one or two more chapters to Toxophilite from days they spend together plus adventures they've gone on because I love them alot and I want to add a few more tidbits of them so pop back in if you wish to whenever you see an update 🙃

As is our custom I gift ya'll with flowers I've taken so here you go lovely readers (I swear my gallery is mainly flowers)

I took these earlier this year

I took these earlier this year

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