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Katana packed two backpacks along with a sandy coloured picnic basket containing; lunch, spare clothes and charcoal hued fluffy towels for their little trek to this secret location.

She was currently double checking with Rin to make sure they had everything.

He lightly ruffled away in his pack which rested on the end of his cot making a slight sound every now and then as she called the things which were to be resting inside.

As he bobbed his head with a small smile present on his lips at her making absolutely sure he had the towels they began to make their way.

He stayed glued to her side his hand curled around hers as he pointed out all things which interested him much like last time with the trip to the River.

The memory glided around in her thoughts.

He'd occasionally try to figure out where exactly she was taking him only to have her playfully remain vague with him a small smile resting on her lips at his inquisitive nature but finally she stopped with a somewhat breathy, 'we're here.'

His eyes peeled away from the side of her profile to the scene ahead.

The surrounding area was covered in pine coloured bush, some of the vines curling and twisting upward onto the opening of the rock face.

He squinted his eyes the slightest bit trying to see inside but stopped after sometime for it gave nothing away except for a soft glow which seemed to come from deep within.

Looking down to him in a hushed tone she instructed him to close his eyes as she made her way behind him to keep them closed and began to guide an unseeing Rin inside.

She helped him to avoid a few rocks ranging from big to small accompanied by overlapping tree roots until they met the smooth undisturbed part of the cave.

As they ventured deeper varying coloured crystals even gemstones lined the dark walls which gave the inside an ethereal glow from fushsia pinks, vibrant yellows, mellow blues and emerald greens.

It's own personal light source.

The colours twinkled on their skin like the stars at night as they went.

Stalactites riddled the ceiling of the cave while stalagmites grew upward from below.

The moist mounds seemed to shimmer in the natural light as mineral infused droplets rolled down the sides.

She stopped.

He shifted beneath her palms as he waited anxiously.

"W-We're here?"

Excitement was evident in his voice to finally see his surroundings after being in the dark for so long.

She brought her head alongside his slightly her hair tickling the side of his face as she whispered softly into the shell of his ear.

"We are, you may open them now."

She slowly drew away the palms of her hands from his face comfortably resting them on his shoulders as she gave him a light squeeze resting the underside of her head on the crown of his.

He seemed to be at a great loss for words as his eyes gradually widened allowing frosty eyelashes to brush against his eyebrows.

She released his shoulders as he began to drift forward seemingly on air, she hung back a bit allowing him time to, her entire face lit up from his awestruck expression as she imagined that is how she must have looked when she first discovered it.

His pale fingers brushed across the walls as he became familiar with the conflicting texture of the somewhat rough yet smooth surface.

After going over the gorgeous area his eyes drifted up overhead his head bent back as they ran over the stalactites.

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