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Well hello there beautiful person 👋🏼

I'm back with a second short story, my my who would have thought 😂

This one is dedicated to archery because of my fascination for it

Why did that sound so boring?

In addition these ideas are all from my mind, no stealing or my lawyer and I shall find you, rawr 🙃.

Anyways thanks for giving it a chance, carry on.


The cool morning breeze flitted through the tall grass she currently resided in allowing it to sway hither and thither, softly brushing against one another.

Crouched low to the warm earth stalking her prey, watching, waiting.

The game stayed blissfully unaware of its approaching demise as it chewed away slowly on its sustenance as if savouring each bite looking left and right with wide watchful eyes and then down again to retrieve more of the luscious pine coloured grass.

She leaned forward the slightest bit bow and arrow poised and ready.

The red deer's rich reddish brown coat glimmered in the sunlight and so did her arrow head.

Seeing that it was time she stayed low, pulled back and let it fly to its intended target, cutting through the air with a light whoosh as it zipped by.


The deer lay motionless on the underbrush as she made her way over, its eyes now void of life not focused on anything, golden arrow potruding just below the skull in the first four cervical vertebrae of its spine.

Instant kill shot, in those 12 seconds it took her to reach the deer the heart and lung functions ceased.

She never wanted to see the agony in those big chesnut eyes, but she needed protein so she sucked it up and got it done each and every time.

She stood their for a couple seconds and with an exhale, her breath condensed infront of her, she bent down grabbed its light brown fur covered legs dragged a bit and then hoisted it up onto her shoulder in one swift motion.

Turning she started her journey to her little cottage with the intention of beginning the arduous process of: cutting, cleaning, seasoning and finally cooking it.

She was somewhat ecstatic walking with a bit of a skip to her step.

A red deer hadn't been seen in two months and their meat was always the sweetest.

The air remained alive with the forests usual noises: birds overhead chattering, green monkeys swinging from tree to tree, small animals and critters scurrying around the forest floor and the sound of her feet crunching the dry leaves as she went by humming a tune.

That normalcy was shattered by muffled shouts and pleas for mercy.

She stopped dead in her tracks foot in semi step, hand tightening on the deer over her shoulder as her eyebrows furrowed intensely.

Bringing down her foot gently, dried leaves crunching in somewhat of a slow crackle she glanced over her shoulder.


She could not for the life of her understand what was going on.

More inaudible shouts continued accompanied with loud wailing.

Placing down her lunch gently to the undergrowth she made her way quickly yet stealthily to the commotion, her expert feet missing everyone of the dry leaves so her approach would be unheard.

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