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Hey ladies and gents, ya'll must be so tired of these little messages I promise this is the last one!

So I just wanted to do a quick dedication to Amrose 🤓.

Without this splendid lady right here you lovely people wouldn't be getting any content at all 😂, so thank you for the kind words and encouragement to write.

I can't say this enough but it's appreciated greatly 💕.

Ok I've been sappy enough to last a lifetime um back to regular programming xo.


Her trek to her beloved cottage was somewhat tedious for it was deep in the forest encased by thick vegetation which provided her cover from any prying eyes along with triggers placed around the perimeter to alert her of any danger.

She had returned some hours later and made quick work of tending to him.

She wiped what she could with his clothes on and used surrounding plants for their healing properties to treat his injuries.

Firstly the aloe vera for his minor cuts and scrapes which he acquired from his fall, coupled with comfrey poultice of chamomile leaves to reduce the swelling that began to mar his skin and finally the trusty yarrow plant which completely staunched the slight bleeding of his wounds.

What also worried her were the amount of bruises which littered his skin in effect clouding its beauty. 

Both old and new which she found concerning.

What horrors would he have been subjected to?

She wanted answers to ease the burning hatred which began to build up in her heart curling around and squeezing it from the inside. 

 They would have to wait though for he had yet to awaken, his white almost silver looking lashes stayed rested on his cheeks.

The only movement he made was the occasional twitch of his eyeballs which lay beneath his eyelids accompanied with the rise and fall of his chest as rythmatic breaths escaped him.

She gently wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, raising him the slightest bit and positioned him onto the feather filled pillow.

She then pulled the comforter laying to the side and placed it snug around him.

Night was blanketing the sky allowing the frigid night air to follow in its wake.

As her eyes focused on him his skin held them captive with it's unusual tone.

It was as white as a snowflake, barely visible pale freckles dotted his face and limbs, a curly head of silky hair which was equally as pale coupled with a cute button nose.

She'd never witnessed such beauty he looked almost ethereal, like an exotic painting.

Especially compared to her brown complexion, the contrast was quite interesting.

All she'd ever seen in her premature time of human interaction were different varitions of black from light to dark and one or two caucasians, nothing else.

But no matter his skin she would care and look after him.

After placing the cloth back to the basin she pushed herself up from beside him on the checkered cot and made her way over to the multi coloured hammock which stayed suspended in the air by the two opposing walls as it swayed slightly from the gentle midnight wind which drifted in through the windows that stood agape.

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