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Hola, this chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads this little story and especially to that one person who is literally always the first to read every chap no matter what time I post💖 . I see you. Alright now that I've said that carry on 🏹.


Two weeks had now passed since their time under the stars and her Rin was doing much better; he smiled even more which in turn melted her heart, his whole body exuberated happiness.

The few remaining bruises which had marred his pearly skin had now fully cleared up leaving behind a rather dull mark of incidents prior, incidents which would continue to swirl around in his mind but never again visible on his skin.

She was certain that those ridiculous men would no longer be a problem.

His eyes made contact with hers in the light of the sun which seemed to radiate from everything it touched.


Coming out of thought her eyes refocused on his.

"Yeah Rin."

He came over to her from the ackee tree. 

The soft grass below him forming to his body as he lay.

His head turned towards her, the basil coloured grass bristled slowly below him in the light breeze as he began to speak.

"M-May I ask you a question?"

He'd become rather curious about her and she absolutely adored it the wonder which would fill his eyes as he found out more about her along with all the tales of her adventures.

"Of course you can my dear, ask me anything you want to I Iove your questions."

His eyes began to twinkle, gray orbs focusing on the swaying tree branches as his cheeks warmed in the suns rays.

She smiled.

"You do?"

Her smile broadened at this, he seemed to always like repetition, confirmation that his ears hadn't tricked him and she would never deny him that.

"I do."

A slow smile spread across his pale pink lips as his eyes glided closed.

"Don't fall asleep on me now, ask your question."

She giggled as he pulled his eyes open again seeming to remember he even had a question.

"Oh right sorry."

He looked slightly embarressed as he subtly cleared his throat peeking at her through his lashes.

"It's ok."

She laughed lightly and so did he not being able to contain his reaction to her contagious laughter.

After they settled down into a comfortable silence, the air around them a mixture of their light breathing, soft whistling of the wind coupled with distant monkey chatter.

"What brought you to the woods in the first place? What was it like t-to live out here all alone."

She smiled a somewhat sad smile as she peeled her eyes away from him to the forest floor.

Her amber eyes somewhat blank as they took on a slightly darker light.

Rin sensed the change and drew himself closer to her hoping to provide some form of comfort just as she had done so many times for him.

Taking her fingers in his he interlaced them together, settling himself into her lap.

Expelling a quiet breath she brought her attention back to him using her unoccupied hand to dance around in his soft loosely  curled hair while he continued to lace and unlace their fingers as he waited for her to say something.

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