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Another somewhat lengthy one. Just like the last, grab a snack if you wish 🌹

Katana and Rin had become even cozier  than they were before.

They had been strengthened by the situations which they had faced bringing them closer to each other, closer than they had ever been, connecting them in mind, body and soul.

Fully intertwined like roots overlapping on the forest floor, hugging the earths familiar soil.

Katana was now Rin's familiar and he hers.

Dawn had yet to break still nestled sweetly in the confines of darkness waiting patiently to be set free reigning only light and warmth but her time was not yet and it would be like that for some time now.

Her nightly ritual was now to go to the comfort of what was now officially Rin's cot after sleeping for some time before she began to miss his touch.

She first made her way to the kitchen for two glasses. She filled them with the water which she stored in her fridge.

The sloshing of the water against the glass filled the room, music to her airs along with the occasional rustle of tree leaves accompanied by the usual animal cries.

She brought the glass to her lips opening slightly as she allowed the cool water to coat the walls of her throat in effect dispelling the dessert like scratchy feel which had been present.

After washing the glass, drying it and then putting it up she made her way over to him with a glass.

She gazed at him for a couple seconds in the somewhat lit room, a smile gracing her lips at his sleeping form.

Gently tapping his shoulder he began to stir;  his eyebrows scrunched together slightly, his nose crinkled, his hands gently rubbed at his eyes which began to flutter open looking right up to her.

An instant smile grew lightly stretching his pastel pink lips a bit.


His voice was the slightest bit raspy yet soft from his sleep as the melodious sound glided up to her through the air.

"Hey you." she whispered back. 

She lightly tapped his nose as he pressed his forearms into the bedding to sit up.

Brushing back the unruly hair from his face she brought the water to his lips lightly tapping him and so he opened up for her taking in the water, she watched as he gulped it down briskly.

She tapped him again.

"Slow down hun no need to rush. We don't want you choking on the water now do we?"

He shyly shook his head as he began to drink down leisurely gulps fully draining the glass of every last drop.

"Thank you."

She brushed her fingers through his hair then lovingly pat his cheek as she carried the cup back to the kitchen going through the same procedure as last and then made her way back to him after flicking off the lights.

He sat up waiting for her to return.

She slid in next to him as she pulled the covers up to them. He immediately snuggled into her seeming to absorb her warmth as she lay back, his head going to lay in her neck as his right arm circled around her tummy.

Before he fully settled onto her he stole a peck from her lips quickly going back to hiding in her neck.

She smiled softly at this with a light chuckle as she kissed the crown of his head.

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