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They sat atop the fluffy towel now watching over the cave, specifically the ripples of the cyan coloured water which was currently still rolling off their skin.

Now that evening was upon them streaks of warm 5 o'clock light seeped through tiny cracks over the ethereal pool of water.

Streaks of warm sunshine filtered straight to the bottom making the water sparkle and twinkle as it fluttered around lightly.

They watched and conversed all the while eating the dessert she had packed; salt and peppered golden apple slices.

She picked up the bottle of lemon juice and poured them both cupfuls and drank relishing the sweet yet sour taste.

Rin observed Katana as he sipped away, he couldn't place it but for some reason she seemed a bit......off ever since they came from the cyan depths, he could sense it.

But he didn't know why and that truly nagged him.

With resolve in his grey irises he scooted closer to her as she sat their staring into space looking at everything and nothing in particular.

He encircled his arm around her shoulders as he watched her profile, the way she went from tense to relaxed.

"K-Katana are you ok?"

She wouldn't meet his eyes for some reason but eventually she pulled him into her.

"I didn't seem too alright, huh?"

He shook his head as he lay into her head slightly tilted upward to see the underside of her face as he continued to sip away on his drink while his other hand began to play with a strand which curled under the base of her neck comfortably.

He watched as her eyes squeezed closed as if she were fighting with something, something within.

She finally looked down to him with resolve in her eyes, a sad one though it seemed.

She looked at him with love and adoration he could practically feel it radiating off her in the relatively cool cave.

His eyes began to slowly roll closed blanketing his sight in sweet darkness as her fingers began to lightly run through his curls.

He made a low sort of contented sound deep in the back of his throat while nestling into her.

She sighed heavily eyes drifting back to the body of water.

"I need to talk to you about something Rin."

He felt slightly uneasy as he reached up to pull her bland stare to himself.

"What about Katana? A-Are you ok?"

Her hazy eyes focused back onto him a silent tear making a wobbly path down to her lips.

She lovingly went to pat his cheek as he reached up to wipe the tear at the same time.

The clash of their hands elicited giggles from them both.

After they settled Rin brought his hand back to it's intended target gently brushing away the tear with the pad of his thumb.

He sat upward staring deep into her eyes feeling the need to do so.

"You ok? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She smiled at him finally now patting his cheek but her smile looked....sad and he didn't like it.

"Let's talk at home it's getting a bit late, okay?"

He nodded somewhat reluctantly as he observed her intently packing up their things.


The walk home was more silent than usual yet she held him close to her as night drew near.

They eventually reached the little cottage and began to settle in, the chilled air swirling lightly all around them erupting goosebumps upon their skin.

The atmosphere surrounding them remained slightly tense for the upcoming conversation, Rin who was understandably anxious seeing as he'd never seen her in such a state and Katana, not wanting to have the conversation in the slightest bit feeling the slight pang erupt in her chest everytime she even thought of it.

After getting ready for bed now changed into comfortable clothes they sat side by side on the cot which had now to some extent become his dwelling place.

She lay back and made herself comfortable gently patting the space next to her an indication that he too should lay.

He brought himself up to her and comfortably nestling his head in the crook of her neck while his arms wrapped around her front.

She too encased him in her warmth placing her cheek onto the top of his head as she rubbed slow lazy circles into his back and he did the same with hers.

"Rin you know I truly wish the best for you?"

His rubbing stopped for a second as he thought back to all the times she went out of her way for him, treated him with love and kindness, even better than anyone else had done then he realized he didn't need to think of the answer for he already knew and so he continued his drawings which had now reached her arm.

"O-Of course I do know."

His eyes focused on the outline of her shirt against the moonlight as she continued.

"You remember the only person I consider family who gave me this cottage?"

His brows came together the slightest bit as he thought it over.

"Oh oh the lady from your story about the orphanage whom helped you to get away?"


Now this was the part which she truly dreaded having to say the most.

"Rin I want to send you their. Where she lives you will be able to make a living for yourself, get a better chance at life one which you were not afforded where you'd come from. I want the absolute best for you."

She tilted her head downwards placing a soft peck to his forehead then moved back to it's original position continuing to stroke his back.

"I don't wish you to grow up thinking what if."

The silence was loud.


 It stretched for miles and miles as he lay their processing everything and even though he had so much to say, so much he wanted her to hear he bent his head further into her a sad smile present which she would not see and hugged her tighter not wanting to let go.

"Okay." He whispered into the chilly night air.


I hated writing that like seriously :0

Thank you for stopping by to read 💖🏹

Fun fact: I'm yawning as I type this and it's only 4:37pm (pathetic XD)

Also just nodded off and typed a bunch of m's by accident 🙄

If no one gets the, 'Among Us' reference with the water I'll be upset 😂😩

Q: Do you like the beach?

A: Like? no no I love the beach I'm secretly a mermaid.

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