XVI| Epilogue

886 52 165

Another long one go on and ge- at this point you guys know what to get 😂
If you don't I'm concerned 👀


1 year later

"Alright kids so s-section 3 of page 150 I want you to read that for tommorow, please."

The bell shrilled in the distance yet they patiently waited for him to dismiss them as they nodded to his words appreciatively as mumours of soft 'yes sir' drifted through the air accompanied by the turning of stiff pages.

With a small clap he dismissed them as he saw them out at the door.

"Bye sir, have a good weekend!"

That was the last kid to run out and he smiled after them with a light shake of the head.

"T-Thank you and you too."

He was practically itching to get back to her and so he began to quickly pack his things away.

Before he could finish the chipper guy whom had become his good friend here appeared at the threshold, stepping in.

His eyes roamed around until he found Rin and with a broad smile he walked over with a wave of the hand and Rin smiled back.

Pulling a small notepad out of thin air as he usually did with those who didn't sign he quickly jotted down a few words before handing it to Rin.

"Hey man, I'm about to head out. How was your first day back?"

The kindness of his friend was something he hadn't had before his Katana more less a friend. He never judged the colour of his skin or his shyness for he too could relate to some extent and so they clicked well.

Taking a blue inked parker pen from his desk he quickly wrote.

"Not bad at all, I really love them. How about you?"

And so they corresponded.

"Pretty good, one kid I'll need to have extra lessons with seeing as he's not learning the sign too well but he'll get their in time."

Rin was about to take the notepad to write again when a lady appeared at the door adorned in her pristine black business like apparel. Hair slicked back and held by the confines of a band securely.

His friend turned and instantly smiled while waving shyly at her and as she made her way over she did the same.

"Oh uh hey, Raven."

Her eyes turned to him as she smiled.

"Hey, Rin just dropped by to take him home. Tell Katana hi for me, yeah?"

And at the mention of her name he too couldn't stop smiling as the warm rich red secreated into his cheeks as he observed his shoes then looked back to her as she tucked a strand of hair behind Jasper's ear while she quickly signed to him.

She tiptoed the slightest bit and placed a quick kiss to his cheek causing him to heat up at her public affection.

"I-I''ll do that, get home safely."

And with more warm smiles exchanged between them they walked out, Raven securely holding Jaspers bag as her other hand held his.

As he turned back to his own bag he smiled softly as he thought of his Katana who was maybe in the garden, getting meat or cooking something.

As he headed to his small vehicle which Chiyoko had gifted them last spring he made his way home anxiously, craving the sight of his love.


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