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He awoke from a nightmare sweat glistening on his forehead as he sat upright.

Images of that man trying to take him from Katana earlier along with the things that were said hurt his heart.

As he wiped his forehead with the back of his sleeve he looked over in the dark to Katana to calm his erratic beating heart.

He didn't want to wake her though, this kind women whom he'd began to like.

He looked down as his cheeks warmed at the notion.

Maybe she the strong caring virago would like him in the same way he did her but why would she? Not one lady had ever even looked his way.


But she seemed to actually....like him and more importantly his skin which was something that had been looked upon as a deformity his whole life; she never gave him strange looks she treated him as any normal man, she didn't seem to mind his little quirks or constant blushing around her either surprisingly.

He swung his feet over the edge of the cot wanting to now awaken her.

He lifted his pillow into his arms and made his way as quietly as humanly possible though she always seemed to hear the smallest of noises but now she was out cold.

Maybe she was really exhausted.

Looking down to her in the dim light with the soft pillow clutched under his right arm he studies her for a couple seconds a smile making it's way to his pale lips.

She looks so at peace as she lay cocooned by the hammock the sliver of moonlight peeking through the window emitting a soft glow off the skin which was visible.

His eyes are then drawn to her curls as his fingers itch to be submerged in them.

As his mind flits back to the events from earlier his eyes squeeze shut in irritation that his brain chose such a lovely moment to ruin.

It suddenly feels too quiet for him now even with the naturistic sounds around him the thoughts of his mind begin to get too loud for him so he begins to awaken her.



At the sound of his voice floating around in the air to her coupled with the soft rhythmic strokes to her hair pulled her from sleep as she peeled her eyes open to be greeted by his face shrouded in darkness but his grey inquisitive eyes she could see plainly.

Blinking up at him a couple times as the fog of sleep cleared away.

A smile appeared.


He continues to play with her hair as she studies him through watchful eyes.

"Couldn't sleep huh?"

His eyes wonder to her glowing ones as they shimmer in the moonlight as he nodded slowly fingers still dancing around in the softness of her curls.

She watched the outline of his head as he moved it.

Those same orbs that were filled with joy began to look as dead as the day she found him.

A silent tear rolled down his pale skin leaving a thin wetness in it's wake finally wobbling on the end of his chin then falling right onto the cottage floor.

Sitting herself upright she pulled him in between her legs, using her index she tilted his head up to hers while wiping the lone tear streak away as she looked deep into his depths of grey allowing the concern she felt on the inside to shine through.

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