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Quick note guys I changed the book which his eyes settled on mentioned in part III from Emma by Jane Austen to Maximum Ride by James Patterson.

Just letting you know of that slight change.


The cool midnight air riddled with the soft rustling of leaves and talk of nature was shattered with an ear piercing scream.

Katana shot upright bow and arrow already in hand pointed in the direction she heard the noise but as her eyes adjusted to the light their was nothing but a squirming Rin.

He was very much still deeply in sleep as he tossed and turned face scrunched up in pain as he relived some horrid memory, he clung to the comforter fingers squeezing so hard that the already pale skin began to turn red. 

Placing her bow and arrow onto a nearby chair she rushed over to him tentatively knowing that it was not a good idea to awaken someone experiencing such a nightmare.

Seeing as it was a mild one as much as it would pain her she'd wait for him to awaken on his own only if it became severe would she attempt to do so for his safety.

The sounds of nature and calm air were now filled with the rustling of sheets and occasional whispered words drifting from him.

"No no no please I-I'm sorry I just don't want to be beaten again, just please n-no more."

Her heart broke at his words as her eyes filled up with tears some beginning to slide down her cheeks at the hurt evident in his voice.

Overtime his movements became more erratic and she decided she'd have to wake him before he caused harm to himself so she called out to him with a soft yet gentle tone.

"Rin, Rin come on wake up it's just a dream."

Some agonizing minutes of his begging and her kind words  accompanied by her lightly shaking him his eyes finally snapped open he proceeded to pull himself away from her and scurry into the farthest corner of the cot slightly huddled over.

"P-please I beg you n-no more."

His palms raised up in a way to shield his head and in that moment she felt like breaking down in tears.

"Rin, it was just a dream alright, you're alright, everything is ok."

His quivering died down as something seemed to click within his mind her soothing voice which curled around her words gradually pulled him from his hazy mind and right back to reality.

His watery eyes gazed across to her his still raised hands slowly came down to wipe a few tears away from his eyes, furrowed frosty brows slowly coming down from their state.

"Ka-Katana is that you?"

"Yes it's me you're ok."

Finally realizing this he quickly made his way over to her from his huddled position in the corner looking for some sort of comfort and she welcomed him.

She wrapped her arms around his lean frame as he buried his face into the side of her neck as his arms also encircled her.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you I get nightmares s-sometimes."

His voice was truly riddled with regret as she rubbed his back reassuringly.

"It's ok don't stress over it too much, is their anything I can do to help?"

His fingers curled around in the back of her shirt as he turned his head in her neck.

"Yeah I guess."

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